Plan for a commemorative plaque in memory of Jack Phillips in Clifden Ireland


I would like to inform you of a plan which is close to my heart. I have a passion for Jack Phillips's story.
I have created a website on him so that French-speaking people can get to know him and remember what he achieved :

In 1908, Jack was transferred to the Marconi transatlantic station at Clifden on the Irish coast where he worked as an operator transmitting and receiving messages to and from the Marconi sister station at Glace Bay, Nova Scotia. He stayed there more than 3 years.

A plaque unveiled at Derrygimla in honour of Guglielmo Marconi and Clifden celebrated the 100th anniversary of the first commercial wireless transmission across the Atlantic which was sent to Newfoundland ( Canada). So, it is taken seriously.

There are several memorials in honour of Jack in Godalming, Farncombe his native town where I went twice and New-York ( at Battery Park ). I would like to honour his memory by hanging a commemorative plaque in Clifden, if possible at the same place as Marconi's.

I intend to go to Clifden in April 2008, I have already written to the french Titanic Society, the British Titanic Society, the Irish Titanic Historical Society, the Clifden Chamber of Commerce and the Marconi's association. What else must I do ? Have you got any other ideas?
I thank you for your help.
What a great idea, Nadine!

It sounds like you're already on track for contacting bodies that might be able to help you. In particular, the local Chamber of Commerce may see merit in promoting a Titanic connection. Have you received any responses yet?
Thank you very much.
The local Chamber of Commerce answered me yesterday.

"I will bring this to the attention of our Chamber of Commerce meeting next month & let you know..I think it is a lovely idea & we all here are aware of Jack's bravery & his connection to Clifden."
I think that it's a brilliant idea... the memorials at Godalming are brilliant and it would be great to see one in Ireland too

Perhaps on the plaque there could be a profile silhouette of Jack... like they do for other important historical people.

Keep on the same track you seem to be on now and you should be fine.... maybe if you want extra back up you could contact the Titanic Historical Society (\)

Good luck and keep us updated


Perhaps on the plaque there could be a profile silhouette of Jack... like they do for other important historical people.

Yes, I suggested this plaque with a Jack's picture :

Here is the answer of the Clifden Chamber of Commerce :

I think I have good news for you regarding the plaque..If you can provide me with the information with what exactly you would like to do- the plaque- the size, the details, etc

If it suits you, I think we could feature this as part of our Marconi Festival in October?