Hi, Michael, Inger, Senan and all!
Michael, as I said, I think the Baby-on-Collapsible-B story is a crock. And again, I believe that the newspaper drawing of the alleged baby-rescue taints our attitude toward the legend being not entirely true, but not entirely false. McGann is the only crewman I've personally found who mentioned a child of any age at this point. Actually, two - but even there he didn't say they were both girls. What I find truthful about his story is that he put the captain in the right place at the right time, in the middle of considerable chaos. Mrs. Widener and Harold Bride both corroborate the time and place, although not the children.
April 20, 1912, p.5:
NEW YORK, Saturday, April 20.--Taking refuge on the bridge of the ill-fated Titanic two little children remained by the side of
Captain Smith until that portion of the big ship had been swept by water. Survivors of the crew, who went down with the Titanic, but were saved by climbing to [
sic] an overturned lifeboat, told today of their gallant commander's efforts to save the life of one of the children. He died a sailor's death and the little girl who had entrusted her life to his care died with him.
"He held the little girl under one arm," said James McGann, a fireman, "as we jumped into the sea, and endeavored to reach the nearest lifeboat. I took the other child into my arms as I was swept from the bridge deck. When I was plunged into the cold water I was compelled to release my hold on the child and I am satisfied that the same thing happened to
Captain Smith.
"I had gone to the bridge deck to assist in lowering a collapsible boat. The water was then coming over the bridge and we were unable to launch it properly. It was overturned and was used as a liferaft, some 30 or more of us, mostly firemen, clinging to it. Capt. Smith looked as if he was trying to keep back tears as he thought of the doomed ship.
"He turned to the men lowering the men lowering the boat and shouted, 'Well, boys, it's every man for himself.' He then took one of the children standing by him on the bridge and jumped into the sea. He endeavored to reach the overturned boat, but did not succeed. That was the last I saw of Captain Smith."
McGann said Captain Smith directed the lowering of the lifeboats. He said the story that Captain Smith had committed suicide as the Titanic went down is untrue.
The next article touches on some of the same points, minus the children. It credits the crewman as AB George Hogg, although Hogg signed on as a lookout. Other problems with it include "Hogg" being on
Collapsible B, when in fact he was in charge of #7 (starboard). I think what may have happened is that the reporter got his story, but with a room full of 150 Titanic crewmen, he mixed up on the name.
April 20, 1912, p.5 (extract):
NEW YORK, Saturday, April 20 . . .
Tells of Captain’s End.
At the American Seamen’s Friend Society’s Institute, where 150 members of the rescued crew of the Titanic are being fed, clothed and housed, G. A. Hogg, able seaman, told last night of the fate of Captain Smith. Hogg says that as the Titanic sank, a big wave washed over the side and he landed on a raft carrying thirty-five persons.
“The next moment, I saw Captain Smith in the water alongside the raft. ‘There’s the skipper,’ I yelled, ‘give him a hand,’ and then I did. But he shook himself free and shouted to us, ‘Good bye, boys, I am going to follow the ship.’ That was the last we saw of the skipper.”
Hogg said that later they were transferred to a lifeboat, in which there was an unclothed woman. She was numb with the cold and some of the men took off their clothes and wrapped her up in them, but she died soon after. Sidney Humphrey [
sic--"Humphries"], the quartermaster, said he dragged two women out of the water, one of them a raving maniac, who died before the
Carpathia picked up the lifeboats.
Mrs. Widener was in Boat #4 and placed Captain Smith's jumping (no children) at virtually the same time as McGann. More troubling is that she apparently witnessed an officer take his own life on the port side. In this she is supported by Anna Sjöblom, said to be in #16 (but more likely in #10), who spoke of the same incident to reporters in Tacoma, Washington, on April 29.
April 20, 1912, p.5:
PHILADELPHIA, Saturday, April 20.--Mrs. George D. Widener, whose husband, a well-known financier of this city, and their son, were drowned in the Titanic wreck, said she saw Captain Smith jump from the bridge into the sea and that a moment previous she had seen another officer send a revolver bullet into his brain.
“Mr. Widener and I had retired for the night,” she said, “when the shock of crashing into the iceberg occurred. We thought little of it and did not leave our cabin. We must have remained there an hour before becoming fearful. Then Mr. Widener went to our son Harry’s room and brought him to our cabin. Harry then went out, but hurried back and told us we must go on deck. Mr. Widener and Harry, a few minutes later[,] went on deck and aided the officers, who were having trouble with steerage passengers. That was the last I saw of my husband or son.
“I was put into a lifeboat[*]. As the boat pulled away from the Titanic I saw one of the officers shoot himself in the head, and
a few minutes later saw Captain Smith jump from the bridge into the sea.” [emphasis added]
[*] Note.--Boat #4 [Br. 1.55 am; WFB 1:50 am]; Quartermaster W.J. Perkis in charge.
April 30, 1912, p.7 (extract):
Girl Titanic Survivor, Now Here, Tells Story of Fearful Experience
Says She Still Hears Awful Shriek of Despair That Went Up as Great Vessel Finally Plunged From View--Young Immigrant Gives Graphic Detailed Account.
“I saw so many things, so many terrible things, that sometimes I can hardly remember anything. It seems just as if I wanted to rest my mind a long time,” said Anna Sjoblom, 18, the first survivor of the Titanic disaster to cross the continent to Tacoma. Miss Sjoblom arrived in Tacoma yesterday afternoon and is staying with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Nelson, 1016 North Steele street. One of the most vivid descriptions yet given of the horror, from the time the iceberg was struck, through the scenes of terror on the deck of the sinking ship, of the tragedies in the icy water, and of the rescue of the survivors by the
Carpathia, is told by this girl, who became 18 the day of the wreck. . . .
“The lifeboat was so crowded that I sat on a man’s knee and had a woman on my lap. Several others did the same. There wasn’t room for another person in the boat. When we rowed away from the Titanic my face was towards the sinking steamer, and the things I saw I never will forget. I saw an officer shoot himself through the temple with a revolver. I saw passengers throw themselves overboard, shrieking for help. I saw men in the water, floating on lifebelts, who were crusted with ice so thick that you could hardly make out their faces. I saw dead bodies floating about, covered with ice. Oh, it was too terrible to talk about. . . .”
Harold Bride supported the time and place (again, no children) in his US testimony:
Saturday, April 20, 1912.
Testimony of Harold Bride (extract). . . .
Senator SMITH: When did you last see the captain? When he told you to take care of yourself?
The last I saw of the captain he went overboard from the bridge, sir [emphasis added].
Senator SMITH: Did you see the Titanic sink?
Mr. BRIDE: Yes, sir.
Senator SMITH: And the captain was at that time on the bridge?
Mr. BRIDE: No, sir.
Senator SMITH: What do you mean by overboard?
Mr. BRIDE: He jumped overboard from the bridge.
He jumped overboard from the bridge when we were launching the collapsible lifeboat [emphasis added].
Senator SMITH: I should judge from what you have said that this was about three or four minutes before the boat sank.
Mr. BRIDE: Yes. It would be just about five minutes before the boat sank.
Senator SMITH: About five minutes?
Mr. BRIDE: Yes.
Senator SMITH: Do you know whether the captain had a life belt on?
Mr. BRIDE: He had not when I last saw him.
Senator SMITH: He had not?
Mr. BRIDE: No, sir.
Senator SMITH: Did the bridge go under water at about the same time?
Mr. BRIDE: Yes, sir. The whole of the ship was practically under water to the forward funnel, and when I saw her go down the stern came out of the water and she slid down fore and aft.
Senator SMITH: The captain at no time went over until the vessel sank?
Mr. BRIDE: No, sir.
Senator SMITH: He went with the vessel?
Practically speaking; yes, sir [emphasis added]. . . .
Cheers, m'dears!