QM2 and QE2 coming to Sydney

So how many of our Aussie Listmembers will stake out spots during the approach of the QM2 to Sydney??

I also recall, during the QM2's Hawaiian Excursion, last year, one of the crewmembers mentioning that whenever she practiced on George Losey's docking simulator game (from www.WindwardTechnologyHawaii.com), where one can practice steering in the QM2 to designated locations, how she managed to crash the ship into the Opera House in the Sydney Harbor scenario (this is the same simulator game where I crashed the QM2 into the Honolulu Maritime Museum and one of the portside microbreweries).

I wonder if the Sydney Harbor Bridge will be restricted, as I can imagine everyone trying to line up along there. I know I'd like to be there if I could, both me and a certain "Cheery Canadian".

I hope Inger can be out on the 20th to play "Sydney's Ambassador to the QM2". If not, J.T. might be able to be coaxed in to that role.
As somebody living close enough to Sydney to get down there that morning, How could I miss it?..The Maritime museum is running a cruise out to view her entry unfortunately it is already sold out so I will try and get a good vantage point and get whatever photo's I can. I doubt she is going to get under the Harbour Bridge, and is probably to large to berth at the usual overseas terminal the QE2 uses(and as they are both in port here at the same time i'd say QE2 will be there anyway). I would say they may berth her at the Cockatoo Island wharves, and if that is the case getting close is going to be difficult but I will do what I can.

ok I wiill just correct my previous post- It is correct she wont make it under the bridge so docking at Cockatoo Island is not an option, she will be berthed at the Garden Island naval base, so getting close to her is still going to be difficult unless they open the docks up for some viewing.

Hi everyone.

Me and Graham are flying to Sydney next Friday (16th Feb) to see the two of them together in Sydney. I know it's a long way to go to do a bit of anoraking - as the travel agent said, "Can't you go to Southampton and do that?" - but this is one of those little presents I promised myself when I was following her construction via the web. Unfortunately we won't be leaving on either of the sisters, but that said, we will have a week up north diving on the reef and then back down to Syders-by-the-sea for the Mardi Gras.

Can't wait!

Love Rich
Now it's "6 Days and Counting", until the "Cunard Queens" arrive in Sydney.

Now I look forward to reading about how, in addition to Richard and Trevor, Alex and Inger will come out to greet the Queen Mary 2.
Hi John, I have been able to book a ticket for a breakfast cruise that one of the local cruise operators is running to meet the QM2- hopefully that will get me close enough to get some good photos.

Well I have just arrived home after a spectacular morning on Sydney Harbour. The QM2 is safely docked at the naval base at Garden Island and what a fantastic arrival Sydney put on for this lady. She came through the heads just as the sun was rising, led by a fire tug letting off huge fountains of water, and a fantastic flotilla of welcoming ferries/pleasure boats/ and even a few keen kayakers.
Yes Richard it was definately a treat. Her ability to manouver in the tight confines of the harbour with all the surrounding vessels really amazed me. It was quite humerous at some points when the welcoming ferries would give her a welcoming blast on their horns and then the Mary would let one rip with her thunderous voice and really make every head just turn to her.
I have put my film in to be developed on the way home, and put on a disk. I will pick that up this afternoon and hopefully get some shots here for you all to enjoy(if i can figure out how). I hopefully got a good one of her facing me with the Opera House on one side of her and the Harbour Bridge on the other, just to prove its Sydney. I'm still on a high from this and as stated will get the pics on-line as soon as possible.

Great Job, Trevor!!!

I hope Alex and Inger were also able to get over to Sydney for some great pictures, as well.

I'm sure the Mardi Gras/Carnivale celebrations were really "in high gear", with the two ships there.

Now we can look forward to the following arrival days for her round-the-World trip:
1. Hong Kong: February 28, 2007;
2. Singagpore: March 3, 2007;
3. Kuala Lampur: March 4, 2007;
4. Cochin, India: March 7, 2007;
5. Dubai (UAE): March 3, 2007; and
6. Alexandria: March 17, 2007.
After that she will return to Athens (Piraeus), Civitavecchia and Le Havre.

WOW! My pictures are nothing compared to the ones you were able to get from your vantage point! I could only go see the Queens after work, so I missed the QM2 arriving in the morning. I managed to make it across the Royal Botanical Gardens (with the QM2 towering above the trees on top of the hill!) and make it to the other side shortly before 7pm, so I saw the QE2 arriving and the two ships exchanging "hello" blasts as the QE2 passed the QM2 at Garden Island.

It was a surreal day in Sydney with everyone from everywhere flocking to see the two ships. Traffic was gridlocked basically for the entire day and well into the night, thousands of people poured through the streets and shortly after 8.40pm, everyone was treated to an amazing display of fireworks.

I took some photos and will try putting a few up when I get a chance as well.


I have finally had the opportunity to upload all my photos from my camera. I'm including a selection below.

These are the crowds that flocked to see the Queens ...

QM2 towering above Sydney's Botanical Gardens ...

QM2 docked at Garden Island naval base ...

QM2, a city of lights ...

I have some more photos, including those of the QE2 arriving and docking at Circular Quay.
