QM2 and QE2 coming to Sydney

Would you believe I was in another country while all this was taking place? Sitting in a hotel room in Rotorua, NZ, drinking coffee and watching it all live on Sky News. Great photos! I'll be back at work next Monday, so will be getting the reports from all the colleagues who were out on the Harbour to see it happen.
Sydney emergency organisations are revising their plans for handling natural or man-made disasters in Sydney in view of the traffic jams created by the ships. There's talk of placing supplies of stretchers at strategic points and carrying casualties out by hand, as ambulances won't be able to move.

I've never been to Sydney, but the streets in the older parts look like trouble waiting to happen.
>>I've never been to Sydney, but the streets in the older parts look like trouble waiting to happen.<<

I have and I'm inclined to agree. The city is reletively old and carries with it some of the same problems as far as the street arrangement goes. A lot of the buildings are of recent vintage but a number of streets harken back to the 18th century and come with the same baggage.
Hi Inger

Nice to "see" you again! I've just spent 6 weeks in Auckland for work and only got back last Friday - just in time to see the two ships. I wasn't even aware of their arrival until the Monday night and made sure I took my camera to work!

Queen Mary 2 arrived in Auckland the day after I left and apparently the headlines that day were something along the lines of "The City Comes to Town", which I thought was very clever and appropriate. You don't realise how huge she is until you're standing there looking at her.

This is the QE2 docking at Circular Quay ...

Nothing wrong with you're photos Daniel, between the two of us we saw most of the event- I was working night shift on the days either side of their visit so unfortunately I had to decide what would be the best event to catch as i could not catch both- I chose the QM2 entry as i had seen the QE2 before, thanks for posting you're photos.

Inger, Boy was it unfortunate you were out of town on this particular day, it was amazing. We passed the Lady Hopetoun on the harbour a few times, her steam whistle giving it her best shot.
