Question on 3d models of Titanic

Being someone who works with 3d software, 3D Studio Max, Chief Architect, and Poser. 3d object design, 3d home design, and 3d character design, etc. Has any worked on a 3d model of Titanic inside, and out? I have the 3d cd set of Titanic Explorer, and it's great But it would be cool to move a character around the ship, or just explore. I noticed that there are plans of the ship as to placement of furniture etc. With those plus pics etc. It should not be too hard. I want to try and make a cabin first with furniture you can move around open cabnets, etc, and go from there. There are sites that have all sorts 3d furniture models, clothing etc. Such as,,, Thanks Brad.

Mike McMIllan and I are working and have worked on some 3D models of Titanic's interiors. If you visit the "Decor of Passageways???" thread and scroll down the bottom, you'll see his latest work. This is just the corridor so far, and we plan to move onto doing the cabins soon. If you wanted to do a few things as well, you can e-mail me and I could supply you with some info to work with.

I assume Mike might write a few words as well.


Hey Bob,

That site does not exist or it could not be found. If you want to model something on the PC you can go to Install it then Start modeling!

[Moderator's Note: The link in the message immediately above this one has been updated and is once again functional. MAB]