Rigel the Dog

*lololol* Sittin' too long on the kitchen table lately, eh? *rotflol*

Br..., eh I mean the mutt lives within me each and every day. Not a single day goes by that I don't think of something .. eh the wonder mutt did or something it said *sigh*

Please give my regards to Florence, the faithful siamese cat.
Well here's the solution: We hire one of them animal communicators, and they can talk to Rigel, the rats, the cats and maybe even the mummy (especially if Michael is around.) Heck - we might find out enough to write a darned book
Hey All,
Regarding to false stories about the Titanic, I think it is kind of cute and it gets people who are not interested somewhat interested. For example when people are talking about Jack and Rose on the real Titanic and you tell them they were fake they are like oh ok thats kind of dumb then. I think there should always be something magical about Titanic so it stays alive.
Myths like Rigel seem pretty harmless, but one of those stories was on an educational website for home schoolers. I have a bit of a problem with it when it hits that level because I wonder what other mistakes they've made.

Fortunately I haven't run across any websites promoting Jack and Rose as real. I can't fault Cameron for having such characters (but don't get me started on the Murdoch topic) but it's still kind of sad to me. There were real people on Titanic, with stories much more compelling than Jack and Rose. I just want to be sure that these people are never forgotten or lost in the haze of fantasy characters and myths.
>>and maybe even the mummy.<<

OH NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Not the Mummy! It took me a week to pick up the pieces after she trashed my room the last time. Oh waitaminute....my cat just showed up, so I'm safe! (I hope!)
Hi Mike,
I have heard of this before and excited to see a thread on it now! A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.