Dog Breeds on the Titanic

Three cats too much? We have ten. Most of them adoptions or rescues of some sort. Wish we could take in a couple more but that's really not practical. There's only so much room in the house.

The hissing at first is normal when a newcomer arrives. They sort things out and usually do a better job of it then people do.
Hey Michael,
Sukie is the one in back. She has a grey coat with a silvery sheen. Tom her son is the on up front with the white tabby strips.

We have 2 lucky us. Sukie's daughters look just like Main Coon Cats and a neighbor took them happily. Leaving us Tom. It worked out for the best. After she weaned them Sukie didn't want her 2 girls around any more. In Fact she really isn't to fond of Tom either.
>>In Fact she really isn't to fond of Tom either.<<

Sounds familier. We took in a mamacat who was being neglected by her owner (He thought an unfed cat would make a better mouser, which isn't true.) and two of her surviving kittens. They tolerate each other to a point but give each other their space otherwise.