RMST Expedition 2004

It was announced today that RMST just completed the 7th expedition to the wreck site. The company utilized an ROV to recover 75 artifacts from a "new debris field".

The expedition departed from Halifax on August 25. Not much more was revealed in the press release, except the new debris field contains artifacts from the "First Class A la Carte Restaurant".

I want to know how he can tell the difference in the Cafe Parisien artifacts versus the A la carte Restaurant artifacts versus the First Class dining area artifacts, as well as how the expedition was financed considering the company recently borrowed $500,000 for operating expenses.

I beleive it was estimated prior to this expediton that only five percent of the contents of the overall scatterfield had been recovered.

I am certain the number of recovered artifacts revolves around expenditures...recalling the '87 Expedition cost 2.5 million!

Michael A. Cundiff
I don't understand. rescued an artifacts of turkish bath?, they entered in the turkish Bath?because I don't understand how a frame of a tile was on the floor of the ocean....

of www.rmstitanic.net (Expedition)

..A range of artifacts was recovered during the mission, each rescue documented as to time and location by both video, still photographs, and written notations. Perhaps the most exciting artifacts rescued were two never-before seen: a gilded wall sconce from the í€ la Carte Restaurant and the frame of a tile from the Turkish Bath that still displays and finally documents its intriguing blue color. The expedition returned to Halifax on September 8, 2004 with its mission accomplished.