Robin Gardiner's History of the White Star Line

Hi All!

I thought that I would post here quickly about this book.

As many of you will know who have read the latest THS Commutator, there are two book reviews -- one for Paul Louden-Brown's work and one for Gardiner's work. Paul Louden-Brown's work is given an excellent review -- followed by a review pointing out how badly Gardiner's book fares by comparison. Paul Louden-Brown's excellent work deserves such an excellent review -- considering that he has spent far more time researching.

Best regards,

I have Louden-Brown's book and I'm thrilled with it. I saw Ed Kamuda's review of Gardiner's work. It confirmed a lot of what I already suspected.

Rather a pity too. Gardiner seems capable of doing some decent if only he would actually back up claims with solid evidence, cite sources, lose that conspiracy angle he's so pre-occupied with...

Michael H. Standart