Roger Lightoller's Birthdate

Okay...not a definitive answer, as Moni has yet to order in all the certificates (expensive suckers that they are - £6.50 a pop!). She has, however, noted down the quarters in which the births were registered so she can order them at some point in the future. I might call them up if I'm feeling particularly flush with cash the next time I'm out at the FRC (i.e. if I visit the day after I get paid):

Frederic Roger. Oct-Dec 1906
Richard Trevor 28 April 1908
Herbert Brian Jan-Mar 1918
Luckily this kind of information can usually be found more easily today online.
It looks like the 1939 Register had a Frederick R Lightoller born in 1906, and if that's him, it might display the specific date of birth.
I happened to see this yesterday, regarding the Granville Raid in 1945.
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