Ship of Dreams?

Brad Rousse

Hey all,

As someone who's been avidly reading about the Titanic for almost twenty years, I feel a little stupid asking this, but it just occurred to me... was the Titanic actually ever called the ship of dreams? Sure, everyone and their mother calls her that now thanks to that line from the Cameron film, but I don't seem to recall the Titanic having that nomer until the movie. I know of others, like "The Millionaire's Special", but I can't for the life of me recall a source referring to the Titanic as "the ship of dreams" outside of Cameron (and considering that and how hokey it sounds, that leads me to suspect something).

So, if it was established that "ship of dreams" was a nomer for the Titanic, when and what?
Hello, Brad---

There's an existing thread on this subject at Ship of Dreams?

>>So, if it was established that "ship of dreams" was a nomer for the Titanic, when and what?<<

It may have been but as far as I know, it didn't come about until long after the distaster. I suspect any of the remaining survivors might very well have taken issue with it. For them, the Titanic was a ship of nightmares...for real!