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This web page makes the story of the Titanic more real, especially to those of us who are younger and never had the chance of talking to someone who was alive during that time period. Hollywood has made the Titanic more of a folk tale instead of the tragedy that it really was. After seeing names and faces and reading the stories of each person it brings the story of the Titanic closer to heart and it changes the way you look at the event. Thank you for giving us the opportunity to explore th Titanic and the many people who where on the ship.

Brian and Keri
Liberty, SC
After seeing the movie, I became very interested in the real story behind this tragedy. I am particularly interested in the stories behind the people that travelled on the Titanic. Your site does a great job of bringing these people to life. I have only scratched the surface and will keep coming back for more !

Linda Ellison
Albuquerque, NM
Apart from the occasional editorial blooper (do you know the difference webmaster between it's and its?!), I found this an excellent site. I am a University researcher and am working on the North Atlantic economy before the first World War. If anyone plans to visit Halifax and would like a personal guided tour of the Titanic sites here (more than anywhere else, I believe), please contact me (902-425-0668), I'd be happy to oblige! There are several additions to the biogs possible from the Halifax records which I will pull together and forward for inclusion. Keep up the good work and don't forget to check your grammar. We can't have students picking up bad habits! Regards ICT

Dr Iain Taylor
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I am looking for info on Mr. John Kennedy in steerage. My mother's family are all Kennedys and I would like to find out if I am in any way related to him. Any info would be very useful. I would also like to know how to print out the deck plans. They are very good ones, but I can only print out the first half of the deck or so. Again, any info on these two questions would be very nice.

Robbie Gordy
Omaha, Nebraska.
replying to an enquiry on 8TH march 1998 re person in Ontario Canada looking for info on Ellen Shine or Shane. I have info.... She was a friend of my grandmothers in Ireland who left for New York aged 17. My grandmother remembers attending her 'American Wake' (a goodbye party for relatives and friends leaving for America). I would be interested in finding out what she did when she reached America.

manchester, england
I would like to have more information on survivor Albert M. Haines. Haines was my maiden and I would like to know if there is any connection at all. Probably not but it can't hurt to check it out. Can anyone out there help or tell me where to start looking. Thanks Paulette

Paulette S. (Haines)Gendron
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia, Canada