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This is a terriffic page! It has so much information that you couldn't find anywhere else. Like all the people on board's names. It must have took a long time to create this. It's really wonderful. Keep up the good work!

Have found that on passenger list I have relatives on both sides oof family that sailed on Titanic! Also I believe My grandfather and Wllace Hartley were cousins-both were from Lancs-Mary Hartley and of very musical family .My grandfather could play piano by ear extremely well. Flynn family ,on my father's side sailed from Ireland but didperished . Havr photo from England circa 1906 with Hartley family. This is why I am certain , The resemblance is phenominal. Wouldn't this make a good novel? Need to contact any Hartleys from Lancs.

Katherine Borthwick
Since I have seen the film with my parents. I found the Titanic very interesteing. I'm only 9 years old and my teacher is allowing me to do a project about the Titanic. Incase Mrs Purdew reads this. THANK YOU.

I have been facinated by the Titanic for several years,and I consider this site one of the best resourses I have ever seen! Many times I have been honored to visit Titanic survivor Eleanor Shuman in her Elgin Illinois home. She really brought the Titanic alive for me,her story is so facinating! It is a strange feeling to see her name in the list of passengers. Keep up the great work,this is a really great site!

Aron Paxton
Ever sice I was about 8 years old(now 14)I saw this special presentation on NBC,CBS,or was it ABC of the discovery of Titanic and for a while I ignored the story of the maiden voyage of the Titanic then when I heard about James Cameron's film which nabbed my heart into absolutely being a big Titanic fan. I've read Walter Lord's A Night To Remember in which I currently own and found the book the best Titanic disaster story I ever read.The passenger list and the deck plans are so neat and accurate that I found them awesome from this Titanic site,thus this site is really neat.

Monica Ordonez
my grandfather was a survivor his name was frank john william goldsmith. if anyone would like to talk about him drop me a line as there is alot of disinformation out there. i'm also trying to contact robert ballard , james cameron, andgeorge tulloch if anyone has any help in this endeavour please let me know. email me at

thomas goldsmith
ashland ohio
Your page is very interesting & informative. I have bookmarked this sight and will come back to this sight if I ever have any questions about 'TITANIC'! Thanks

Dan Weiss
Rochester, New York
I'm a bonafide Titanic fanatic! I'm currently trying to find a complete copy of Titanic's blueprints so I can construct a 1/140 scale model of the ship. Anyone know where I can obtain these? (Besides Harland and Wolff, of course!)

Phil Sones
Tucson, AZ
A very great site. I have found a lot of info for my reporst for school. If anyone has any interesting Titanic passanger stories, please E-mail me with any more info Thanx

Marc de la Concha
New York
Just a quick note to tell you how much I am enjoying your web site... I have started to research the live and stories of those that parished as well as surrived, and your web site has given me a great starting point. I look foward to more updates and information- Thank you again. Shannon
