Slice of Life Anecdotes?

Laurel, you are not a "loon." Rather, you are on a spiritual journey. Glad to hear you are easing away from New Age stuff and looking for answers elsewhere. The dark side is real, and you want the light.

Commercial is over (I pastor a very small church in NW Wyoming; very non-traditional). Now, back to the topic.

John Harper was a widower, traveling on Titanic with his very young daughter. His wife's teenaged cousin (I think) was along to help with the daughter. He made certain both girls were on a lifeboat, then he stayed behind.
Thank you. I really appreciate it, to be honest. And I've pretty much cut all ties to new age stuff minus on and off contact with a few friends that are still involved in it, but I have a feeling that'll fizzle out over time because we have very, very different views and really our shared beliefs in new age things was our only common interest. I've been contemplating making some sort of testamonial video for youtube just to warn others because i see a lot of young girls (12-15 or so) on social media who claim to be dead royalty or celebrities and they end up really damaging themselves and most don't get out of it, and it hurts me to see because i was in that boat one time and I know how lonely and miserable it can get when you're so obsessed with a life that isn't yours.

It's really refreshing to get to tell my story to someone whose gut reaction isn't "oh wow you're insane" or "oh no you can't leave this belief! It's true!!!"

And back to the Titanic, I think it would be really interesting if somehow they made an accurate movie about the ship and somehow incorporated all of these little remembrances of the victims and survivors, to make some kind of living memorial to them in a way
Also I've never been to Wyoming but I hope to visit someday. The land out there looks gorgeous! I'm close to the east coast in the south so it's a lot of humidity, pine trees, swamps, and not much else for me down here:D
Also I've never been to Wyoming but I hope to visit someday. The land out there looks gorgeous! I'm close to the east coast in the south so it's a lot of humidity, pine trees, swamps, and not much else for me down here:D
You would like it. Especially if you like the outdoors. Never had a bad trip going there.
Laurel, enjoy the journey. You are pointed in the right direction.

As for Wyoming, all I can say is I wasn't born here but I got here as quick as I could. You might say it was a real-life parallel to my own spiritual journey.

Warning: we like to say the old-timers intentionally ran the interstates through the ugly parts of the state, to discourage idlers from opting to stay. Get off the four-lane highways, and enjoy. Visit towns like Meeteetse and Ten Sleep. See a ranch rodeo. Get into the mountains. Enjoy.

Now, back to Titanic topics!
And getting off the "Laurel sounds like a loon" topic, John Harper sounds like a very nice man! I would like to have met him, if somehow I could travel back to the Titanic
Hi Laurel ,

I know you are not insane or a loon. I use to have these weird nightmares that I can't explain except for a loud noise buzzy in my ears and voices in my head and for some reason I couldn't open up my eyes or yell for help and I was conscious and not asleep. I use to get them every so often but it has stop for now. Last time was two years ago. I always think it was a devil or evil spirit like you explained. so no, I believe you are not a Looney.

Who is John harper, may I ask?