The Allison wedding

I obtained the marriage certificate of Bess and Hudson via the State of Wis. Vital records. It lists a witness as Maybelle Nieman. That is the best i can get from the borderline unreadable certificate. Could this be the married name of her sister Mabel and it was spelled wrong by the registrar. can anyone tell me anything as to the fate of Bessies siblings or who this Maybelle Nieman may be?


Maybelle Daniels was born in Aug 1883 in Wisconsin. She married William A. Nieman on 19 Apr 1906 in Manistee Michigan. I am not sure about siblings Myrtle and Harry.
I can tell you that Myrtle was still unmarried by 1940 and working as a librarian in Massachusetts. I have never been able to find where "Harry" fits in, I have never found him in any census or documents so if anybody can shed any light on this, I would appreciate it.