The Elderly Couple Photo On Aft A Deck

Hi, Geoff!

>He's also a great personal friend of mine - see, >I DO have some!

Yes, there's ... umm ... there's ... well, there's ... umm ... of course there's ... uhhh ... :)

All my best,

George (your dear acquaintance) :)
Ah, Geoff,
Thank you for those kind words. Please pay me later.
Our mutual friend May has been in touch, and I have something for you from the girls!
The thing about this photo that is most impressive is that its a double exposure. Faintly visible are the wicker chairs of Charlotte Cardeza's promanade, and a tableful of flowers. Is there any computer technology that could develop that ghostly double exposure?


tarn Stephanos
Here's another Titanic photo mystery that I think might have been solved by Father Browne. The mystery photo -- of a man walking aft along A-Deck promenade while Titanic was leaving Southampton -- has often been identified as Capt. Smith. It is highly unlikely that the Capt. would not be on the bridge at this time. Another photo that Browne took clears this up for me. There's a photo of a man standing at the extreme forward part of A-Deck promenade chatting with other passengers. The man is wearing the same dark overcoat and lid hat that appear in the mystery picture. The man in the second photo is identified by Browne as Maj. Archibald Butt. So I am of the belief that the mystery figure is in fact Maj. Butt. After having his chat forward, he is moving aft. You can almost imagine him deep in thought, tormented about the feud between is good friends President Taft and future President Wilson.
The photo of the First Class Saloon purported to be taken at lunch on the 11th of April.... who took this, and wasn't lunch served after the Titanic left Queenstown?
The only known photo of the Titanic's dining saloon in use was taken by Father Brown and since it's published in a book that was printed recently is under copyright protection. In short: It can't be posted here unless the poster has the express permission of the copyright holder.
Mmmmm..George...the answer remains the same from a legal standpoint regardless of who else speaks up. The Father Brown collection is under copyright and may not be posted without the permission of the copyright holder.

Sorry 'bout that. --
I've been searching for that elderly couple and I found a picture of William T. Stead and his wife. When I compared this picture to the pic of the elderly couple standing on deck, I concluded that these persons could be the Steads. I'm not certain, so you can try to compare these pictures.
Regards, Paul
