The Irish Aboard Titanic

Molony's excellent Irish perspective continues the trend started by Alan Hustak (Canadians) and Per Christan Sebak (Norwegians) in well-researched books with a particular ethnic focus. It's refreshing to learn something new about so many passengers on the Titanic. After reading this book for the first time, I now intend to go back through it very slowly with notebook in hand for a second reading.
Does anyone know if Senan's book has much in it about the Irish woman Anna Kelly? She seems to have been severely traumatized by the disaster, and purportedly became a nun . . . I'm curious whether she might be a candidate for addition to the "Survivors' Suicide" conversation.
There is a good chapter about her with a photo in nun's habit from her later years. I corresponded with members of her family in Illinois who did not indicate that she showed many outward manifestations resulting from the ordeal. There was a "Daniel Kelly" who left several messages on ET sometime ago claiming to be her great-nephew and stating that she would never talk about the Titanic because she was so traumatized. However, her niece advised me that there is no such relative in the family and after an initial contact with me, he stopped responding. Her niece disputed "Daniel's" allegations saying that her aunt was a very happy woman in later years.

Senan Molony will be happy to know that his book is already a good investment. eBay # 452-773-192 offering one copy of "The Irish Aboard Titanic" is already up to $38.50 with a week to go yet. It's advertised as "Not Available in U.S." My copy autographed by Senan and Phil Gowan must be worth a small fortune already.
I am so happy for Senan, but it does make it hard for folks picking up books ot try to learn. But I have heard nothing but praise for Senan's work. Kudos Senan! Maureen.
Senan, I've had the chance to read your book, and I've enjoyed it immensely.

This book is a labor of love, backed up by extensive, solid research. The writing flows smoothly and kept my attention throughout.

You made those old black-and-white photos come alive in vivid color with your writing.

Please tell us that you have another book in the works!
hello all,

just this morning I received the news that the second printing of Senan's book is finally almost finished. according to the publisher, copies should be available for ordering by the middle of next week.

the price of the book is IR17.99 pounds, which if I did my math right is about $19.97 American.

as far as I know, the book is only available directly from the publisher at this time. whether it will be available on the larger booksites like UK, or if it will be available here in the U.S. at all is unclear.

I tried for a half hour to create a direct link to Senan's book on Wolfhound Press' website, but just couldn't get it to work right for some reason. to see the listing, copy and paste the following address into your browser's 'location' line, and you should get there:

all the best, Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Hello again,

just a quick note to say that if you are not sure how to get to Wolfhound Press' website from the above message, please do the following.

I was able to create an active link directly to Senan's book through my website. goto:

and click on the New Book Alerts page.

hope this helps
Michael (TheManInBlack) T
Thank you very much Michael!

Best regards,

my pleasure!

also, while I am thinking about it, for those of you who asked if this book is ever going to be available here in the U.S. - the answer is yes. according to the publisher there will be an edition in America, but probably not till this fall. I don't have any definite word yet on who will be carrying it once it finally does get to our shores.

when I find out, I will post a note here.

Michael (TheManInBlack)
Hello everyone,

I ordered four Titanic books from this evening to add to my rather pitiful collection. I will finally have Triumph and Tragedy, but the book I am really looking forward to is Irish Aboard Titanic.

What I was wondering is whether or not it can be compared to Alan Hustak's book on the Canadian passengers? I also have it, and I loved it. I would like to know if the two are similar in the amount of information they give on each passenger, the number of passengers featured in the book, etc. Do you feel Molony's book is more informative than Hustak's? Thanks in advance to any information and opinions.