The Lighter Side of the 2005 Expedition

First off, this is only a "tongue in cheek" posting. I am really hoping that this current expedition will be a huge success.

Anyway, here can be said are some of the "hidden meanings":

"...updates being pushed to me by the Earthship detachment ashore.
Look out folks!!! World Weekly News will now presume that this expediton is being run by aliens!!!

We are expecting an airplane to drop a package tomorrow with spare parts....
The question is: Which ET Member will be taking this opportunity to parachute down to the ships??
No, the IRS Commissioner is not sending one of his Tax Compliance Officers to audit the crew? The individual is not fond of skydiving.

On the other hand, there are rumors about that young Gent from Ontario, the one who resembles Hudson Allison, hoping to get there.

..."promos...will begin airing on the Discovery Channel at 2200 (10p) during "Shark Week."
No we cannot make comparisons between the sharks and certain individuals.

The weather here has been relatively calm. We had a beautiful sunny day today, which only turned cloudy and cool toward sunset
Meaning that during "quiet times" it was a good opportunity to try and get a tan, while checking the UV Index; "someone has to do it" is heard throughout the ship.

The real Dusey about this expedition is the live connection with Cameron. Don Lynch, Ken Marschall and I sit at large monitors in Mission Control and see what Cameron sees as he sees it.
Another "hidden term": it means that everyone thinks of this mission as "out of this world".

"...and the technology that makes it happen is absolutely mind-boggling".

It's surreal interacting with Jim real-time when he is in an entirely different world, far removed from our own.
Time for "I'm the KING OF THE WORLD"!!! Ken or Don will be doing the "WOWs"!!!

Everyone has gone to bed and we have an early start tomorrow, so I'm going to close down my station. More when I can get through.
Parks, I am certainly looking forward to hearing from you. Think of "WE WANT MORE"!!!!!

I'd shy away from making sweeping statements about someone's character if I were you; especially in relation to someone who is a respected member of this Forum.

I can fully understand how Parks may feel. Speaking personally, I would find it frustrating in the extreme to give a project my time and effort - for little or no tangible reward - only to find that the results were already attracting negative criticism before being seen. JMHO.
I started this thread with the idea that, from time to time, we could find something humorous in the postings, or could do a light-hearted, yet respectful, parody.

I was not offended by any of the postings in the other thread.

Having met Parks on two occasions, I know that there is no question about his dedication to this project.

It can be frustrating to see people "second guess" you, or try to either cast aspersions or make statements about lowered expectations.

I admit that my first thoughts about the expedition brought back memories of that August 1998 Broadcast that RMSTI & Discovery Channel did. I was not impressed by that program (yes, they tried to conceal the fact that the submersible was stuck) because to show a still image for too long is somewhat tacky, IMHO.

James Cameron will definitely do a great job, based on his past track record.

Parks will definitely do the best he can, and I am thrilled with his posts from the Keldysh.

I also know that, should any of us be offered the chance to talk with James Cameron and others from this Expedition, we would only need a "trillisecond" to think about it, before we agreed to go.

Now I'm looking forward to the July 24th Program, and I am also grateful to see that "Mother Nature" is not going to interfere, storm-wise. Hurricane Emily is in the Caribbean (my thoughts go out to the people in Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Yucatan, the Eastern shores of Mexico and South Texas), and no other severe storms appear to be currently developing in the Atlantic.
That came out the way wrong way now that I re read it. I was meaning to say that I felt that he took what was said by a few people in the other forum too seriously or personally. I think he's doing an outstanding job with his posts and I know that the team is going to do an outstanding job in bringing us new facts about Titanic. I just felt that certain posts in that room should have just been ignored when it came to the negativity, and that the poor guy shouldn't let it get to him. He's doing his best out there as they all are and that's all that anybody can expect or ask for. I have nothing but respect for Mr. Parks and personally publically apologize for any offense taken by anybody by that last post I made. I would take it down if I could. Sorry again and best wishes to everyone.

I rarely post on this site but regularly visit it. I have been keeping up on the posts about the expedition but i think i may have the wrong date for the showing of the findings from the expedition. I went onto sky today and forwarded to 9 o clock on the discovery channel, there is nothing about the Titanic.

Thanks Michael, i am in the UK and am very dissappointed about not seeing it until then! Is there a definate date set for the showing in the UK? I would be terribly displeased if i missed it!