The Phenomena of the Armand Hammer Titanic Masterpiece A Premonition of the Raising of the Titanic

Bill W.

Hehehe! Of course I was referring to the "Real" David Smith here silly! I want to let everybody on ET know that the posting presented was NOT me. I want no association with that Tripe.

David Smith
Sympathize, Dave. I've had the occasional email asking me how I got together with Bill (Clinton). Most alarming. And Lord knows how many emails Monica Lewinski has had, asking her about Titanic... actually, probably not so many. I'm not exactly a major source, but it makes you wonder. These names ...
Well, I'd better admit it was under rather odd circumstances. I was on a Board which discussed civil liberties, and I happened to remark that a friend of mine at the White House found the security there very intrusive ... and a few people got a bit excited....
>>LOL, Michael! Well, KJ was obviously following in the great tradition of Bread & Circuses; which I don't think has actually yet been abandoned totally...<<

Well, in many parts of the Middle East, public beheadings are still considered wholesome family entertainment. I don't know if that keeps the overall crime rate down, but it keeps the racivadism rate down to 0.00% !!!!
It's only ever just beneath the surface, Michael. I have a cousin here, educated, otherwise fairly sane, in one of the 'caring' professions, who says he would pay to attend a public execution. Personally, I'd pay a fortune to stay away.
Anyway, I don't imagine TeamHollywood are expecting much from ET in the way of support and donations, if they've been following this thread..
>>Personally, I'd pay a fortune to stay away.<<

I wouldn't pay anything. Especially when the authorities are (Supposedly) known to make people go to these things from time to time...especially foreigners...whether they want to attend or not. Guess they're trying to send a message if this is true. (Why pay admission if the police say "Go...or else!"???)

>>Anyway, I don't imagine TeamHollywood are expecting much from ET in the way of support and donations, if they've been following this thread..<<

Well, if they are, they aren't logging on to do it. I don't think they'll get a very sympathetic hearing from any of the members here if the above posts are any indication. Seems most people here have a far better grip on reality!