Titanic 2

I'm always up to talking Titanic, either on the board or by e-mail. (My e-mail address is in my profile.) Usually, it's easier to keep the discussion here. That way, everybody can take part and I don't have to deal with the hair tearing exercise of gambling with my Outlook Express system.
I haven't got a clue as to how old you are, but there again I don't believe age has anything to do with dreams. I'm 53 years of age but still have incredible dreams of things that I would like to see completed - peace in the world would be a good one. This might not be achievable in my life time, but - I can dream can't I. So can you, and with a surname like yours I think you have a good reason to "Dream On Girl". I think Mike is right, but, if we all stop dreaming of the things we want, won't the world become a boring place. Would the USA exsist if no-one had had a dream, and was it Martin Luther King who stated "I Have a Dream".

Keep those dreams going , who knows they may (but I doubt it) come true - I hope they do.


Best wishes & rgds

Looking back in this post, Daniel mentioned a landlocked "hotel/museum" replica...Leah's dream can theoretically be a reality with some creative thinking...you don't have to stop at just museum...add to the mix luxury hotel, casino, restaurant, studio...etc..Michael, you spoke about making profit...couldn't you find a business case somewhere in there ??
I've heard of some of these landlocked "hotel/Mueseum" replicas which on examination, don't bear anything more then a superficial resemblance to the real McCoy. Like that complex proposed for Las Vegas. I'm sure they'll turn a tidy sum, but only by being an amusement park rather then a museum with anything close to what can be called "accurate."

Since Leah's vision is to see a working...and I presume accurate...replica of the ship built, the carnival sideshows currently proposed just won't do. Trouble is, it's the carnival sideshows that will actually make money.
I'm not uptight. Just a confirmed skeptic.

But hell, be thee not discouraged. If you can get several hundered million dollars or investors willing to pony up the cash, give it a shot. If you can actually pull it off, you'll be heads and shoulders above all the entreaupenaurs who never got beyond the "Hey, I've got an idea." stage. See that link Dave Gittins supplied. There are a lot of them who came and went.
Oh Raphael, Where are you getting the money to build your EL TITANICO? Is it from the money tree in your back yard? Sorry to sound so sarcastic, But I'll believe in a Titanic replica when I see it with my own eyes. Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
hey look u guys people just need to be encouraged to do something maybe i'm not really going to build a replica of the titanic called el titanico guys i was joking relax chill it happened almost 100 years ago no one is going to build one and even if it happens the magic of TITANIC will never be there society is too crazy !
Raphael, Just relax breathe in and out and say out loud "Pins and Needles,Needles and Pins,It's a Happy Man Who Grins. But seriously why do you make claims that you want to build a full sized Titanic replica when you know that you would not be able to do that? Sincerely,Jerry Nuovo
Seriously. The people on this message board tend to get so pissed about the littlest things. Trust me Raphael, I understand, did u see the conversation I had with all these people earlier? They did the same to me. Can't take a joke, AND can't let a person live with there dreams. 'Everyone must wake up' seems to be there moto

P.S. Dreamers are the ones who live life to the fullest, never worried about the real possibilitys, and the over looking the 'bad things' that may happen. The dreamers are the ones who created the Titanic in the first place. REMEMBER? No seriously...Just had to get that out.
hey look at that leah feels me! thank you one day all these people are going to hear about me well maybe not the older ones maybe around their 60's aha joking el titanico will set sail!!

guys i'm just joking