Titanic Bursting at the Seams

Gentlemen: what all of you must appreciate is that neither Captain Smith or any of his officers, including James Moody, needed Andrews to tell them how long the ship had to live. If they had the full information including the amount of water in the compartments, the rate of down-flooding from the Carpenter's soundings and the efficiency of the pumping arrangements from Chief Bell plus the ship's stability information supplied to all ships by the builder, any one of them could have worked it out for himself. They were all qualified to the minimum certification of Master Mariner (FG). As such, they were fully trained in ship stability and Hydrostatics. Thre would be two reasons why they would not voice their fears. The first would be so as not to panic the passengers and the second would be because they had insufficient information.
In the case of the captain's remarks to Boxhall: Smith had a great deal on his plate. He fully appreciated the ability of Andrews and respected his opinion. However, he could quite as easily have rejected it. He would not have accepted the Cheif's opinion as to how long the ship might stay afloat. Simply because, the reports of the extent of flooding came to him, not to the Chief and the latter could only voice an opinion based on the limitations of his knowledge regarding the rate of down-flooding.

The word of an Officer at a Court of Inquiry was meaningless. Only the testimony sworn on the Holy Bible was acceptable and even then there would be constant probing for any sign of perjury. Perjury meant jail and loss of career for an officer. No Company loyalty would ever put that right.
Cheers. Question is, who would do the probing into acts of perjury? If the Board of Trade were holding the Inquiry and working hand in hand with the company, they would in that sense hold all the cards and therefore probing their own employees (the surviving officers) to see if they were committing perjury would only implicate themselves in the act as the officers were simply obeying their masters commands to protect their careers by remaining loyal and their obedient servant by concealing the truth to defend the interests of the company and possibly the prestige of British shipbuilding in the eyes of the world, especially with German shipbuilding in rivalry competition. I like to think that Britain and Germany were competing to see who would spark more financial interest from American investors, especially with the war fast approaching and possibly being seen as an inevitability in the near future, and whoever controls the seas controls the world. In that sense, the fate of the world rested on the surviving officers testifying that the Titanic did not break in two. Obviously this is slightly far fetched, but who knows what was happening or being said behind closed doors between 1912 - 1914. The Titanic Inquiry may have held significant importance for the future of British shipbuilding and their American investors.

>>Survivor Mr. Daniel did not say which officers he spoke to, so we can only speculate which officers they were. His account published in newspapers simply read: "The officers who survived told me afterwards that the Titanic slipped up on the iceberg and practically broke in two. It tore out its bottom."<<

Not very useful I'm afraid. There's a reason that third hand and tertiary sources like this are treated with extreme caution. You don't KNOW that it came from who you think it did.
>>Cheers. Question is, who would do the probing into acts of perjury?<<

Anybody and everybody with a vested interest in detecting the lie, and that would be a lot of people who were represented there. Lord Mersey was running the show but if he had an agenda, there were other's present who had rival concerns, and they weren't about to dance to his tune.
Did the Titanic literally fall apart at the seams? The hull seams to have stripped off at the bottom quite significantly on the port side.

View attachment 3978

....and stripped away from the bottom on the starboard side as well.

View attachment 3979

Here is a photo of the Olympic's bottom. Does anyone know what these are and if they were vulnerable when the Titanic began to bend?

View attachment 3981

If the ship was bending, would the keel remain rigid and straight and cause the sides to peel open at the seams if she sank either bodily or head down?

View attachment 3977

View attachment 3976

Are ships ever built with a flexible keel or expansion joints on the keel/bottom to allow their vessels to bend in rough weather, like a high speed train turning a tight corner? Did they adapt the Britannic to avoid what happened to the Titanic as she broke apart?

Think the implosion damaged the girders, the support columns, the whole entire structure of the stern. I am actually drawing the damage I think the implosion did to the stern, with detailed notes based off of the wreck site. (One is pretty easy to understand: the Aft HAD some was flung from the stern while she was helicoptering to the seabed.)
Will post the edit the thread in, once I am finished.
Cam, you are replying there to someone who is not only extremely controversial both on here and elsewhere, but who is also actually no longer a member of this forum.
Cam, you are replying there to someone who is not only extremely controversial both on here and elsewhere, but who is also actually no longer a member of this forum.

He was not controversial at all. Aaron showed us the survivor accounts that are listed on Paul Lee's website. Nobody wanted to call the survivors wrong, so they just called Paul and Aaron wrong instead, and both of them left. I don't know if people are posing as Paul on other websites but they certainly are posing as Aaron because some of them have already been exposed. One of the imposters is on this forum. His name is Poohbah_2020. There are some on Discord as well and some of the people who just agreed with Aaron have also had their accounts trolled and duplicated by imposters. What the heck is coming to the Titanic community? Aaron recently returned to youtube to resume his channel after it became obvious there were imposters.

Message from Aaron

He was not controversial at all. Aaron showed us the survivor accounts that are listed on Paul Lee's website. Nobody wanted to call the survivors wrong, so they just called Paul and Aaron wrong instead, and both of them left.

Not all survivors were right and several did not told the truth.
Please don't compare Paul Lee with Aaron. Paul Lee did not cherry pick up accounts to include them in physical impossible ideas, that is what Aaron is doing.
Yes, 'Aaron' certainly cherry picked bits of statements that supported his crazy V-break theorizing, and was also accused of outright inventing testimony quotes as well. He also has used different identities online, too.

But anyway, my point remains; Cam- who himself currently seems to be taking over this forum, LOL- was replying to a non-active member.
Yes, 'Aaron' certainly cherry picked bits of statements that supported his crazy V-break theorizing, and was also accused of outright inventing testimony quotes as well. He also has used different identities online, too.

But anyway, my point remains; Cam- who himself currently seems to be taking over this forum, LOL- was replying to a non-active member.

He showed the accounts on Paul Lee's website that mention the bow rising. There was nothing cherry picked about it since that was the topic he was talking about. If you were to mention the iceberg collision and only mention the survivors who saw the iceberg and felt the collision you would be accused of cherry picking also. See how absurd that is. He also did not invent testimonies because they are on Paul Lee's website and the Titanic Inquiry website. If you watched the video then you would have understood that Aaron does not have different identities. That was the whole point he was making. Let us say that I register on youtube with your name and discord and every Titanic related website with your name. Now who is going to believe you when you tell them they are imposters. So now you can see why it bothers Aaron that people are being conned into thinking those people are him. I uploaded some of his videos onto my channel just to keep them for future study and that resulted in the trolls targeting me and accusing me of being Aaron as well. Of course I don't care what they say, because it is quite a nice complement to be called Aaron because he is a very good researcher. Meanwhile the real imposters are still causing damage. Poobah_2020 for example is one of the imposters and is still a member here and fooling everyone. It is a sorry state of affairs that people's identities are being taken and defamed over a subject such as this. It is so childish, but what can you expect since most of the people are children.
He showed the accounts on Paul Lee's website that mention the bow rising. There was nothing cherry picked about it since that was the topic he was talking about. If you were to mention the iceberg collision and only mention the survivors who saw the iceberg and felt the collision you would be accused of cherry picking also. See how absurd that is. He also did not invent testimonies because they are on Paul Lee's website and the Titanic Inquiry website. If you watched the video then you would have understood that Aaron does not have different identities. That was the whole point he was making. Let us say that I register on youtube with your name and discord and every Titanic related website with your name. Now who is going to believe you when you tell them they are imposters. So now you can see why it bothers Aaron that people are being conned into thinking those people are him. I uploaded some of his videos onto my channel just to keep them for future study and that resulted in the trolls targeting me and accusing me of being Aaron as well. Of course I don't care what they say, because it is quite a nice complement to be called Aaron because he is a very good researcher. Meanwhile the real imposters are still causing damage. Poobah_2020 for example is one of the imposters and is still a member here and fooling everyone. It is a sorry state of affairs that people's identities are being taken and defamed over a subject such as this. It is so childish, but what can you expect since most of the people are children.
"Poobah_2020" isn't active here anymore, hasn't been seen since June.