Titanic Honor and Glory

I know the other threads and what others think. QM Olliver and Hichens were clear when the order was given! However everyone is free to have his own opinion (but not his own facts).
Hello there Paul.

Not into games but enjoyed your analysis emensely. I agree with you almost 100%. Where we differ does not really matter.

Ioannis: You write: " QM Olliver and Hichens were clear when the order was given!".

As you probably guessed... I beg to differ. QM Hichens was asked about a second order but stated that he only received one as part of the ice avoiding sequence. I quote:

"316. (Mr. Holmes.) It is Question 354. (To the Witness.)[Hichens] She never was under a port helm?
- She did not come on the port helm, Sir - on the starboard helm.

Hichens was actually there at the time and was the man on the steering wheel. Why is this litle bit of information rejected out of hand?

As for Olliver? The following is from your post

"Senator BURTON. Do you know whether the wheel was hard aport then?
Mr. OLLIVER. What I know about the wheel - I was stand-by to run messages, but what I knew about the helm is, hard aport.
Senator BURTON. Do you mean hard aport or hard astarboard?
Mr. OLLIVER. I know the orders I heard when I was on the bridge was after we had struck the iceberg. I heard hard aport, and there was the man at the wheel and the officer. The officer was seeing it was carried out right.

You correctly like facts. The following is the only fact we know about that second helm order.

QM Olliver simply stated that he heard that second helm order when he was on the bridge. and after Titanic had struck the iceberg.
Between running messages, his post would have been behind the QM on the wheel. One of his jobs while there would be to record any helm or engine orders given into the Movement or QM's Book. As I have pointed out many times before, he was on and of the bridge on several occasions and could have heard that order at any time between seconds after he saw the tip of the iceberg passing and when he was given his last message by Mr. Moody. However, he heard it at the time or after Titanic's stern cleared the berg.

"Senator BURTON.: Where was the iceberg, do you think, when the helm was shifted?
Mr. OLLIVER: The iceberg was away up stern.
Senator BURTON: That is when the order "hard aport" was given?
Mr. OLLIVER: That is when the order "hard aport" was given; yes, sir."

For your information, there has never been a nautical phrase "way up stern". I can only assume there was a typing error in the transcript of the evidence. The correct statement was probably "way up at the stern" or "way up astern". However QM Olliver had no idea where the iceberg was when that second order was given because he also told Senator Burton:

"I did not notice the course of the berg as it passed us. It went aft the after part of the ship. I did not see it afterwards, because I did not have time to know where it was going."

You and others should also note that there is a serious flaw in either the evidence of QM Hichens or that of QM Olliver. Consider the following:

"1009. (The Attorney-General.) It is a mere question of taking the indication of course. (To the Witness.) Did any one of the Officers see you carry out the order? A: - Yes.
1010. Who?: - Mr. Moody, and also the Quartermaster on my left. He was told to take the time of the collision.

QM Hichens was describing standard bridge procedure during an emergency. If he told the truth, how was it possible that QM Olliver could state that he never heard that first helm order give 6 second or so earlier?

Jim C.
A simpler set of questions

- When is this officially going to be ready and available?
- How much is it likely to cost?
- Any idea of the special features that one needs to be able to play it on a Despktop PC?
Havent done any of their demos not sure how big both demos will be seeing as Demo 1 has Scotland road in it while Demo 2 has the same areas but Scotland road is not accessible like in Demo 1. It also says 8 GB and not sure if that is for both or if each Demo is 8 GB.

Aside from that I have been watching their pod casts or listening to them I should say, have to say they have been making some changes to problems they have came across with inaccuracies. I recall them saying in one podcast that the real time sinking animation is their first iteration and that the one in game is already changed multiple times and is better than the real time sinking one shown.

Another thing is I also heard from them that you wont be able to explore every single room during the sinking as areas of the ship will be locked realistically which also helps them because they say that every room that floods in the game is a scripted flooding and they don't have the man power to script every room to flood like it should. I personally think there has to be a better way to go about it than scripting every room separately. But I don't think the game will come out any time soon cause they keep going on that to do this game from start to finish will require $10,000,000 USD. All I know is they better hope their pricing of the game is fairly priced if they even charge for it.
Well I downloaded and installed Demo 2 and explored a bit, you only have a 2% of the ship to explore but what is there I am very impressed with it. Looks more like a photo than a game.
I found this screenshot of Titanic: Honor and Glory from devientart, showing the Grand Staircase on D Deck.
View attachment 1560
But, please take a closer look at the painting, it's not the same one from James Cameron's movie:
View attachment 1561
I'm confused. Titanic: Honor and Glory wanted to be as realistic as possible, so was James Cameron wrong?

I am the artist who made the painting for the game's staircase. My version was based off the Olympic's, thought not a direct copy. The Titanic's staircase paintings are lost with the ship. The paintings in James Cameron's film are artistic license based off a look that could have been in the ship, but there was no way for him to know either. As well, Cameron made some artistic decisions like putting a painting on the aft A-deck staircase wall. Again, Cameron was creating as closely as possible the effect of the actual Titanic that are excellent, especially for those new to the Titanic, and he did a remarkable job, even if some details are a bit spiffed.
Paul Lee - interesting feedback from the H&G team. Revealing, to say the least, and bolsters my ongoing concerns with the project:
I've been following this project since 2011, and although I've seen progress in terms of ship modelling, which of course will take a long time, there isn't much of a 'game' yet. my concern is that their crowdfunding money is going to the wrong places. what they need to really do now is hire a programmer and really start fleshing out the experience, because without gameplay it will just be a pretty 3d model of the titanic, which is what it has been for like seven years. I feel this project need to make some serious headway to continue to be taken seriously.

My comments come from a good place. I want to see this team succeed and bring Titanic into this century. This game will be heavily praised if done correctly, but there NEEDS to be a game, there too.
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They estimate the game to be released in 2018 and they've been making some great progress on their sinking sequence:



I'm not quite sure on the progress of the game itself, but I'm hoping for an updated real time sinking video for the 105th.
I just want some real details on the game mechanics rather than a virtual tour aspect you know. I mean technical demos are not hard to produce an executable file for.

But yes it was good to see that the sinking has been animated and now there are static models of people on the sinking example, which means no animators yet... need to pay for animators... Sounds like I am trashing the game half the time, I'm really not, I've just been with this since it started appearing in 2011, and I want to see that they actually have a team to make a game not just a team to model a ship... we all wait with bated breath to see how far the next update brings the game to release build...
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I tried to run Demo II on my PC, however I think they have bias against 32 bit systems. UE4 won't run on my PC, despite it meeting the minimum specs. FML. But this game does look promising! I hope i can pilot the ship in simulator mode. :D
Nathan Brown, I believe demo 1 was available on 32 bit system, but demo 2 does seem to be x64 exclusive. I've only just gone to 64 bits myself, but it is recommended to do so because most computers have been 64 bit now for about 8 to 10 years.
H&G is a very heavy program to run.

One thing I can say with fair certainty is the game will not be available on a 32 bit system, if it ever becomes a game
Which is sad. because I can't afford a 64bit copy of Windows. and computer parts are expensive as hell here in Australia, and me being on a pension at 18 doesn't help much. Plus most jobs nowadays require some kind of degree. and I dropped out of school because of bullying issues.
Which is sad. because I can't afford a 64bit copy of Windows. and computer parts are expensive as hell here in Australia, and me being on a pension at 18 doesn't help much. Plus most jobs nowadays require some kind of degree. and I dropped out of school because of bullying issues.

hey dude. that sucks. I know how you feel, I'm 29 and I still have bad memories of school. But, if anything, there is plenty of time on your side, to at least devise some kinda plan, H&G is a long away from being released, Are there any places near you that do Computer part recycling etc? because That's where I got my new motherboard, from a friend who works in a recycle place. There may be enough time to (even if you're only putting a couple dollars aside a month) to save for something.