Titanic Honor and Glory

Brilliant way to preserve history. The only reason I plan to upgrade my computer is to play this game/simulator. Imagine if one day every famous ocean liner was to be restored in this way and with VR. Honor and Glory could be the template for all future projects.

It certainly could start a development race to make lots of other atlantic steam-ship games...

Lusitania: Espionage on the Atlantic.

Britannic: Surgery in the Mediterranean.

But would they be as accurate and respectful?
The Titanic: Honor & Glory team recently did a live stream for their updated real time sinking video that went viral last year for the 105th anniversarry. The update mainly includes color correction and time adjustments (sinking rates).

They altered the sinking rate of the bridge plummet by speeding it up. I was surprised about their electricity commentary and how they changed their final plunge by greatly slowing it down, something that I was not expecting.
I really am liking this game from what I have seen so far. Still waiting for Demo 3 to come out but I like Demo 2 so far. I went so far to actually donate $50 to this group as I want to see this game finished. It also gets me the game at no cost as I already bought it which is a plus for it.

I hope how ever that eventually this brings more people into making historical games like this that are historically accurate. Can you imagine other naval games that put you in different situations that happened in real life in game. For example one I would love to see is a game done on the Battleship Texas, BB35. Would be great to have her recreated in 100% historical accuracy and then put you in a game where you experience the BB35 bombarding Normandy on D-Day and bombarding Cherbourg a few days later. Cherbourg is where the ship took a shell to the armored conning tower which the explosion blew the deck plating on the bridge above upwards killing the helmsman and injuring a few more on the bridge. She also took a shell to the port bow that didn't detonate that came to rest on a crewmans bunk. This I don't know how big of a hit it would be but would be great to see it as a historical aspect with 3D support. Could even do the Bismarck and her engagement with Hood and her final stand as well as Arizona or any of the other BBs of battleship row on Dec 7.

In any case I hope this game shows what a market historically accurate games could be at not just for entertainment but as well as being able to put us in the history to teach.
Demo3 is astonishing! I can't wait for the full game's public release! Btw, if the development team is looking for translation of the screenplay from English to French, I'll gladly participate!
The upcoming video game “Titanic: Honor and Glory” released their famous real time sinking video on YouTube last year to accommodate their 104th annual podcast. This almost three-hour-long video racked up almost 25 million views:

However, another version has been put together by a separate page on YouTube called “Titanic Animations.” An early version was released also last year in July, offering a twist on the H&G’s rendering:

This video, as described by the creator, followers a bit more closely to survivor testimony than forensics. Currently, Titanic Animations is putting out their newest version of the real time sinking in parts. So far, parts 1 through 5 have been made public:

Titanic 2.0 Pt.4 | Sinking Slows & Lifeboats begin loading
Titanic 2.0 Pt.5 | Lifeboats begin lowering

What are your opinions so far?

Looking at the animation, it seems a fair bit more accurate than the H&G animation so far. That doesn't mean there aren't issues. One of the biggest ones in the original video that I notice is that it has Boat 15 lowering to A-Deck with Boat 13 staying at the boat deck for a moment, while aft starboard survivors describe the same process, but with 13 going to A-Deck first while Boat 15 stayed on the boat deck.

Boat 13 and 15 are swapped again when the animation mistakenly puts Fred Barrett (Surviving one) in Boat 15 rather than 13.

Despite this, there is a number of things that I like about the animation:

It shows a port list immediately before the collision. While some of the accounts mentioning the pre-collision list seem to suggest that it disappeared by the afternoon of the 14th, it is still good attention to detail.

A starboard list is attained very quickly after the collision, as opposed to the H&G animation having it start way later.

It seems like a decent effort was made to determine the outside waterline during the sinking. G-Deck is covered quickly, as is F-Deck and E-Deck. This agrees with survivor accounts describing flooding within the first hour of the collision.

The starboard list is eliminated at an appropriate 1:15-1:20 a.m. time to support that a starboard list was noticed while Boats 7,5,3,1, & 6 were lowered. (I believe that Boat 8 was lowered before Boat 6, personally)

Let's see, the video also mentions the righting motion described by forward boat deck survivors such as Thayer and Fitzpatrick.

The stern rotates around on the surface, which was mentioned in a few 1912 accounts.

Seems like a pretty alright video to me!

You’re welcome

A pretty good Birthday / Christmas present eh?

One thing I find oddly refreshing in this, is that unlike the 1997 film putting the gym on the wrong side due to the set facing the wrong way. In the TH&G version, you see both the crew and Passengers in their correct allotted places (for example: only crew are seen forward of the Grand Staircase whereas the 1997 version showed passengers walking towards the bridge having ignored the rails and signs).
A pretty good Birthday / Christmas present eh?

One thing I find oddly refreshing in this, is that unlike the 1997 film putting the gym on the wrong side due to the set facing the wrong way. In the TH&G version, you see both the crew and Passengers in their correct allotted places (for example: only crew are seen forward of the Grand Staircase whereas the 1997 version showed passengers walking towards the bridge having ignored the rails and signs).

It really goes to show the attention to detail that they painstakingly incorporate into their project!
Another thing I noticed is that this possibly the ship model from Demo 3 due to the deckchairs so it's possible the model might look even better in the future!