Titanic in Black Ops 4 Zombies: Voyage of Despair - This won't end well...

Today, I came across this trailer (I first thought this was a joke!) that shows there will be a Titanic inspired level or even whole video game in Black Ops 4 Zombies that will apparently be on sell in October.

In it, we shown Steampunk Characters, a slightly cartoonish Titanic and passengers (expect historical inaccuracies everywhere) and the belief that the Knights Templar caused a ancient artefact to turn everyone on board (including a familiar white-bearded captain and officers) into zombies.

Basically, I'm writing this thread to inform everyone about it and to expect massive upset and controversy in the coming months.

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I don't know where the appeal comes from to make such a game. Incredibly disrespectful to the victims, not to mention disturbing content as well. I remember about 15 years ago there was a game called Resident Evil: Dead Aim which took place aboard a zombie-infested cruise ship, and the Grand staircase looked very similar to the Titanic.


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You would think they would invent a fictional ship (e.g. a ripoff of the Queen Mary) or merge together several designs into one amalgamation. By choosing to do / label it Titanic, not only have they guarantee they likely insult or upset relatives, but also the historical inaccuracies will leave this a crude caricature.

Not to mention the fact several shots take place in the First Class reception room + Scotland Road which might be an indication of them borrowing designs from Titanic: Honor & Glory which doesn't bode well.

Like I wrote in the title, I got a feeling this won't end well...
For a while there I thought they might get away with it, whilst the interior was clearly inspired by the Titanic, the fashion worn by the passengers seemed a big mix of 1910 through to 1950. And they only referred to the ship as 'the vessel'. However all that went out the window when an iceberg appeared and there was a life-buoy that had Titanic written on it.

I find it interesting how after an amount of time even the worst tragedies and loss of life can be turned into fairly tacky entertainment. I wonder if in 100 years time the same thing will happen with modern day events.

As Aaron mentioned, I really hope they haven't knocked off any assets from Honor and Glory, The Call of Duty team have enough resources to do research and build their own stuff from scratch.

I think I'll be sticking with Honor and Glory.
just to say, that Matt Dewinkeleer seems to be hinting on his Facebook page that the trailer for this does show assets from their demos. If they (T:H&G) are certain, then this is nothing short of horrible and terrible that even the makers of a major video game franchise have resulted to stealing assets rather than doing basic research.

Unless this is simply a marketing tactic to stir up interest or news about the new game coming out (meaning they only produced the trailer and intend to cancel or replace it when the controversy arrises) this makes no sense.
Perhaps the team behind H&G were in need of financial assistance and were approached by the game developers who saw the demos and made an offer to use their material? Just a theory, but if true, I know I would add a claus which said the material could not be used for immoral or disrespectful purposes i.e. a horror survival game. Then again, the developers who are making the horror game could argue that the sinking of the Titanic is a horror survival theme, and the H&G team would be just as guilty if they turned it into a video game - although not as gory and disrespectful. I think the same debate has been mentioned on the news in the past regarding WW2 video games and where the line is drawn when it comes to respecting the dead, and also the difficulty in identifying who has the moral high ground to set the line of standards in video games. I remember when I first played the original Grand Theft Auto back in 1997 I thought game developers had gone too far. Can't imagine how far they are willing to go these days.

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I don't have facebook so can't read his posts, but thinking about it it may be a tad early to come to a full conclusion based on nothing but a trailer, unless they were able to spot some of the deliberate mistakes they put in their levels for this purpose.

We also saw a couple of areas like the reciprocating engine room and bridge that haven't been in any of the demos.
Please, to anyone who replied to this, stop being such gigantic p~~~~~~. It is a historical event that has been made into a fictionalized map in a video game. Theyve been doing this for a long time, with many different events. There will be no backlash about this map, because literally nobody in the entire world thinks of the titanic as an "unspeakable tragedy"
Please, to anyone who replied to this, stop being such gigantic p~~~~~~. It is a historical event that has been made into a fictionalized map in a video game. Theyve been doing this for a long time, with many different events. There will be no backlash about this map, because literally nobody in the entire world thinks of the titanic as an "unspeakable tragedy"

Gigantic p~~~~? I say! I have never been so insulted! Once I retrieve my monocle from the bottom of my sherry I will be having further words with you young man.
Welcome to ET Roland Jackson! (also, no offence, but not the best way to introduce yourself.)

Back to Topic, and apart from the aforementioned zombies and some historical rearranging of areas, it is a very detailed and visually impressive model of Titanic that feels very reminiscent of Titanic: Adventure Out of Time.

Actually with a bit of restoration and conversion, most of the game's assets (in theory) could be reused to make a 3D version of Titanic: Adventure Out of Time.
Please, to anyone who replied to this, stop being such gigantic p~~~~~~. It is a historical event that has been made into a fictionalized map in a video game. Theyve been doing this for a long time, with many different events. There will be no backlash about this map, because literally nobody in the entire world thinks of the titanic as an "unspeakable tragedy"

You’d feel different about it if they made the twin towers into a zombie video game map. It’s plain tasteless period.
Visually, they did a good job, but the trailer looks like something right out of the 1953 film. Big band jazz and dancing.

I was expecting Cole Phelps to make a cameo.
You want to know something that's going to make it even worse?

The hooded villainous figure seen in the trailer who sets off the zombification of all on board Titanic? Look closely and see that his jacket cuffs bear the rank stripes of a First Officer -- for reasons unbeknownst to me, William McMaster Murdoch has been once again made the villain and utterly bastardized beyond recognition. Dalbeattie would throw a bleeping fit if they found out about this not-so-little brouhaha. Then again if one looks closely Captain Smith's uniform can be seen to have the same rank stripes so I might be mistaken in our identification -- Murdoch was after all very much not bald.

Also, pneumatic tubes were not supposed to be in the millionaire suites, they also did not go down into the cargo hold, and what passenger would have had cabin keys on her person? According @Michael H. Standart in a past thread I recall reading somewhere, passengers did not have cabin keys because cabins were not locked except when the ship was in port.
You want to know something that's going to make it even worse?

The hooded villainous figure seen in the trailer who sets off the zombification of all on board Titanic? Look closely and see that his jacket cuffs bear the rank stripes of a First Officer -- for reasons unbeknownst to me, William McMaster Murdoch has been once again made the villain and utterly bastardized beyond recognition. Dalbeattie would throw a bleeping fit if they found out about this not-so-little brouhaha. Then again if one looks closely Captain Smith's uniform can be seen to have the same rank stripes so I might be mistaken in our identification -- Murdoch was after all very much not bald.

Also, pneumatic tubes were not supposed to be in the millionaire suites, they also did not go down into the cargo hold, and what passenger would have had cabin keys on her person? According @Michael H. Standart in a past thread I recall reading somewhere, passengers did not have cabin keys because cabins were not locked except when the ship was in port.

I believe some of the surviving stewards testified that they were ordered to lock the cabin doors during the evacuation to stop any thieves from entering. I think all of the locks were the same and the stewards would possess a master key which opened all the cabin doors in their section, rather than carrying a hundred different keys. I believe this is why the passengers were not permitted to possess a key to lock their cabins from the outside as they would be able to freely open anyone's cabin door. I recall several thefts took place aboard the Olympic. One of the thieves was reported to be a steward.

July 1921 - 1st class staterooms robbed. $29,000 worth of jewels stolen.

August 1926 - While a dance was being held in 1st Class, someone stole $3,000 worth of diamond jewelry from their cabins.

July 1928 - A steward is caught and arrested for stealing a passenger's ring worth $10,000.
