Titanic or Olympic ?

Hello everyone !
I found this picture on the Internet and I wonder if this is the Titanic or the Olympic. If the funnel we see is the third funnel, it would be the Olympic but if it is the second funnel it would be the Titanic. However, I cannot be sure of which funnel it is because of the angle... Can you help me out on this ?
Olympic or Titanic.png

(Picture credit)

Manon :)
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Helping Manon-
I am afraid I'm not much of any of a bit of help.
Unfortunately the name of the ship on the stern can't be seen.
But I'm just wondering if this might be some other ship than the Olympic or Titanic ?
And where was the location where the picture was taken ?
It doesn't look like very familiar surroundings ?
Hoping you will have better luck on on the mystery ofthis picture, which is intriguing.....to say the least. :)

Cheers !
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Thanks to all of you !

I have another question:
Do you know whether was this picture was taken during the fitting out (building the ship) or dismantling (scrapping the ship) or sometime in between ? Can not quite make out the lady and child's clothing for a clue ?
Thanks to all of you !

I have another question:
Do you know whether was this picture was taken during the fitting out (building the ship) or dismantling (scrapping the ship) or sometime in between ? Can not quite make out the lady and child's clothing for a clue ?
Clothes definantly look more like 1911/1912 than the late 30's. Ioannis is right...1911. If you look at the pics in the link below I don't see anywhere where they have the 200 ton crane that was used to build the Olympic class ships anywhere in the breaker yard.

Olympics funnels being installed.
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Thanks to all of you for answering my question !
These are very interesting pictures :) And I like the very first one (though I can not find it in high quality) because it looks like a family photograph.

However, here is another question : Was the Olympic scrapped in Belfast ?

Thanks to all of you for answering my question !
These are very interesting pictures :) And I like the very first one (though I can not find it in high quality) because it looks like a family photograph.

However, here is another question : Was the Olympic scrapped in Belfast ?

From the link below... As from 1935, Olympic, the sister ship of RMS Titanic, was partially demolished at Jarrow,[9] being towed in 1937 to Inverkeithing, Scotland for final scrapping.[10]
Jarrow - Wikipedia

Theres many videos of her being scrapped on Youtube if interested.
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Thanks to all of you for answering my question !
These are very interesting pictures :) And I like the very first one (though I can not find it in high quality) because it looks like a family photograph.

However, here is another question : Was the Olympic scrapped in Belfast ?

Yes that is an interesting pic. Always makes one wonder what their life was like. Lightened it some for you. If you dont like it I'll remove it. Cheers.
Maybe the man in the picture in Post #8 (he looks as if he might be posing for the picture) took the pictures of the woman and child pictures in Posts #1 and #4 and the woman in the pictures in Posts #1 and #4 took the picture of the man in the picture in Post #8 ?

Husband, Wife and Child Family out for a walk and pictures ?

In later years....to their Grand Daughters and Grand Sons:
" Hey ; Look, at this , you kids ! We took these pictures way back when they were building the Olympic ! " :)
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