Titanic Passengers under 21

Well, not really. Is there a particular passenger or group under the age of 21 you're looking for?


Find a copy of the book "Titanic -- Triumph and Tragedy" by John Eaton and Charles Haas. In the back you will find a passenger list with, among other things, the age of every passenger.
Brandon, thank you.
Mike, thanks, I will look for it at the library. See I am interested in making a historical fiction book, but I'd like to base it on people really on the ship.
That sounds like a good idea, Elizabeth! The only fictional book I've ever read on the Titanic ("The Long Night" by Diane Hoh) was only based loosley on the real passengers, and mainly focused on a ficticious love triangle. It would be refreshing to have a fictional book based on actual passengers; just make sure you do the proper research to make the book as fitting to the story as possible. You've come to the right place for that!


Brandon, I have read that book too. I have read alot of fiction books on the Titanic, but most were just based on love storys. I must be mature for 13, because I want the good hard facts.

Emma, well I haven't really been researching too terribly long, but I'm looking for someone about 12 to 18 or so, to base the story on. The most difficult part though is finding bits and pieces about their personalitys.
Elizabeth and Rhonda,

I'm always glad to see the younger crowd expand on the message board. I'm 16, and have been here since I was 14.

Welcome to E.T., Rhonda! That's interesting about your cousin being one of the survivors.

Elizabeth: You could always use my favorite passenger, John Borland "Jack" Thayer, Jr. He has a very intriguing story!


How about Hermann Soeldner's Titanic passenger list book? It has a list of ALL the passengers and crew that sailed on the Titanic and an age for just about every single one of them, it is more updated and accurate than the list in Eaton and Haas book.
Hi Tom,

With a small margin for errors there were 326 passengers aged 12-22; inclusive. Because anyone aged 12 and upwards counted as an adult those aged 12-22 would class as young adults. -Teenagers are only those ages 13-19; inclusive. - I have no figures for the Crew, but I will e-mail you a Passenger List with those 326 names. As the list is too large to post as a Private Message through the Message Board I will need your e-mail address. Please e-mail me privately.
