Children on titanic

>>But it sounds awful, doesn't it?<<

Yeah...but not at all surprising. It's not as if the shipping lines are going to get up on a podium in front of the press and say "By the way, we had a bunch of people jump overboard, eat a gallon of rat poison, and jump on their own knives because the kitchen drove them to it over the past year."

Doesn't exactly look good.

There's also the matter of the sensibilities of the families, especially in places where suicide still carries a certain stigma to it. Like Inger, I would hope that some greater attention would be paid to dealing with this problem, but this is one of those things that falls into the "I'll believe it when I see it." catagory.
Yes, I have some a little something about a third class passanger. Her name was Millvina Dean. A few years ago for Christmas my dad gave me an autographed picture of her. By the way, is there anyone here who knows if she is still alive? If she is, she would be about 92 years old. Something I found out about her is that she didn't know she had been aboard Titanic until her mom told her when she was 8 years old. If she has passed are there any known living survivors? Just wanted to know.
Elizabeth Gladys "Millvina" Dean is alive and well. There are several of the members here who know her and I'm sure they'll be able to tell you a bit more about her. Since she was only two months old at the time of the Titanic's voyage, there's no way she would have any memory of the ship. You can read a little more about her HERE.
On the thread "frequently asked questions" you can find info on the THREE survivors who are still alive. You can also see a list of the eighteen who have passed away in the past 14 years.