Titanic survivor M Newell Robb autograph


I bought this recently. Was only about $38. I Have always wanted to have this Titanic survivors autograph hence when I saw it for sale I bought it. Nothing gained nothing much lost if it dose not look correct.

Dose anyone have Mrs Robb’s Autograph to compare this one to ? I imagine had it been on a nice postcard/print of the Titanic rather than white card it might have sold for more. She’s a very interesting survivor.

I thought someone here might have her autograph.. I understand she did attend conventions in the late 80's and signed things.

I would be very grateful for any help.

Hi Miles,

Yes, that is Marjorie's signature.

Interesting survivor - yes, but an even more interesting person overall. She was truly unique, and was quite a lady.

I am glad you were able to obtain her signature.

Very best,

Mike Findlay
Thanks Mike,

Do any of Marjories descendants ever post here, I understand Edith Haismans sometimes do ? They would be able to say for sure.

Would you be so kind as to tell me why you are so sure that this is her autograph ?

Thanks very much for your reply.

Hi Miles,

I know that Marjorie's granddaughter, Mary Payne, has posted to the ET message board in the past, and is very interested in her family history. In addition, Marjorie's daughter Madeleine Crowley is the "family historian", and has shared many of her family photographs with researchers.

I can tell you that Marjorie's signature is authentic because I knew her during the last ten years of her life. Having assisted her at numerous Titanic conferences, I sat close enough to observe many of the hundreds of autographs she kindly signed to those who lined up to meet her. I still cherish Christmas cards, notes, and the correspondence we shared from 1983 through 1992.

She never understood the public fascination with Titanic, but welcomed the interest people had for the subject and for her. She made an impression on all those who were fortunate to meet and know her.

I hope this will be of some help.

Very best,

Mike Findlay
Thanks again for your reply. You’re lucky to have been able to meet her.

Funny to think she sat down as a grown woman with some of the most well known 1st class passengers on the Titanic, and then 80 years later people in her social circle included people like Doctor Ballad....

I read somewhere that she only told people she had been on the Titanic when they discovered Titanic in 1987 ? And her family did not even know until the discovery that she had been on the Titanic, but I might have been reading a misguided biography of hers.

She is another passenger I am looking for a decent picture of. There are a few on Titanica but I'd rather see if I can get a period photo for the autograph.

If there ever was a "royal" Titanic survivor then the crown should go to her !

Oh and George Behe is also royal in his Field

Hi Miles,

Marjorie had spoken in public about her Titanic experiences a few years before Dr. Ballard found the wreck. The first "official" interview that Marjorie conducted at length was to a reporter for the "Yankee" Magazine in 1981. The magazine ran a rather large article on Marjorie and her Titanic recollections - although she had already started to address civic and church groups, as well as schoolchildren, with her tale.

Of course, after the Titanic wreck was discovered in 1985, the interviews became more frequent.

Marjorie's family always knew she had been on the Titanic, but out of respect for Marjorie's mother who was deeply affected by the loss of her husband, the subject was never allowed to be mentioned. Marjorie honored her mother's wishes, and waited to speak until after her mother died. Marjorie's sister, Madeleine, did not like to speak of the disaster at all and only rarely commented on it - to family, friends and the press.

I must agree with you that it was quite interesting to observe Dr. Ballard and Marjorie engaged in deep conversation. Marjorie later said that she never dreamed that she would live long enough to see the ship found - let alone meet the man who found her. She was very found of Dr. Ballard, and appreciated the many kindness he extended to her.


Mike Findlay
Mrs Payne has been very kind and looked at the scan I sent to her and thinks it is ok. However she is sending it off to her mother to be sure. You can't get better than Marjories daughter giving a verdict on an autograph.

What a nice person Mrs Payne is to go to this trouble !