Since we are two people separated by a common language, I'm not sure what "extracting urine"
means. That aside, it is precisely because "perspective plays tricks" that we have to use a known reference with which to compare the letters. The plate laps are as you and I have both said vertical (90 degrees) with relation to the keel (0 degrees). No matter how the hull is oriented in the slipway, no matter how the plate borders rise with the sheer, this
relationship remains constant. I accented the
plate laps around the name so that there would not be any drastic difference in the contour.
That brings us to whether the vertical aspects of the letters are at the same angle as the plate laps. I personally believe that any photo you want to look at which shows the name and the plate laps will show the vertical aspects of the letters slanting toward the bow with respect to
to the plate laps. If we don't agree on that then we have no basis for discussion. If we at least agree on that then we can discuss things like perspective and the like.
I would submit that it is the letters that are fooling the eye and not the plate laps or upper and lower plate edges.
Here is my challenge (to anybody): Present a photo showing the name and the plate laps where the vertical aspects of the letters do not slope
forward with respect to the plate laps. Also,
explain away the fact that on the rigging plans of all three sisters where they show the lettering, the letters are represented as having
their vertical aspects sloping toward the bow.
Bob Read