Titanic's Centennial in Portugal

As I was saying, we'll comemorate the Centennial in my school, and probably it will be the only Portuguese state school to do it, in a larger scale, involving teachers from several disciplines, like philosophy, English, moral education, citizenship, etc.
It's me again!
It would be great to have someone for a lecture, and I'm don't have the time to prepare a good one. Can anyone tell me if there's someone here in Portugal, Portuguese or not, who would be willing to help us? Otherwise I'll have to do it myself, and teaching requires losts of time...
Hi Pedro!

Glad to see a fellow countryman (and we even share the same name!) on the board. I'll be having a busy schedule until April, but I'd be happy to assist you in any way I can. I've been interested in this subject for several years now, and even though I'm no expert, I have some materials and general knowledge. Let's have a "chat" by e-mail and we'll see if I can be helpful. Maybe with some assistance you can do it yourself.

Best Regards,
