Titanic Memorial Cruise April 15 2012

Tarn, maybe you'll be better off saving your pennies for a transatlantic crossing aboard the QM2 in 2012 or how about joining me aboard the QE2 on April 12,2008 for a transatlantic crossing.Both Cunard Queens may be able to sail close to the Titanic wrecksite and the good thing about the April 12,2008 transatlantic crossing of the QE2 is that voyage is at the time of the 96th Anniversary of the Titanic tragedy.So Tarn what do you think of my idea and anyone else reading this would you be interested in coming aboard also?
>>The plot thickens....... <<

Maybe, but be very, very, very careful what you read into anything. Especially if it's on a blog that anybody can post to. We have a lot of questions and some suppositions, and it's never a bad idea to check things out for yourself, but if anybody wants to make any accusations, be sure you have solid facts to back them up, otherwise, you can be leaving yourself wide open for a trip to the legal hurt locker. This forum can be accessed by anyone and if anybody posts something libelous, all that the company's attorneys have to do is print out the post for evidence.

In light of that, I think it would be wise to let this go for now. If anybody has cause to persue this, it would be best to do it off list and take it up with the proper authorities.
Hi Michael
I was just asking questions here about this cruise, just to find out details- - I wanted to go on this cruise if it will indeed be at the site in 2012, it's just i can't seem to find any consistant information about it,as there is much conflicting information out there..
Such a trek to the wrecksite would be very special indeed...
But I understand your point Michael, there is many a trigger happy lawyer out there who would love to take any critisim, even out of context, need be, and use such to silence critics...
But it is unfortunate though- I'd hope with civility we would could still explore this topic, and not be silenced by fear..I don't think anyone on this thread has been slanderous . But I do understand your concerns, and will lay off this thread...
I will likly be spending my pennies on Deep Ocean expedition in 2012, so even if this cruise 2012 is a go, i wont be there..ill be diving the actual wreck, if all goes well..
But if the powers that be putting the 2012 Titanic cruise together are earnest in thier endeavor to retrace titanic's path, then I hope they succeed, and I hope the trip in 2012 will be truly magical...

Tarn Stephanos
>>I'd hope with civility we would could still explore this topic, and not be silenced by fear<<

Welcome to the Wonderful World of "Let's sue 'em."

>>I don't think anyone on this thread has been slanderous .<<

Nor do I but better safe then sorry. The questions here are legion, but solid facts are notably hard to come by.
Tarn,It is not to early to book the QE2's transatlantic crossing on April 12,2008 as I have already done so.I also wrote an e-mail to the World Ship Society,Port of New York Branch an organization I am a member of,suggesting to do a Titanic Memorial Crossing aboard the QE2 on the QE2's April 12,2008 transatlantic crossing.They sent me back an e-mail saying that they will discuss my idea and they will get back to me on this idea.I suggested to have maritime historians aboard,probably even show some the classic Titanic films in the QE2'S movie theater such as A Night to Remember and Cameron's Titanic and also have an ocean liner bazaar which is the selling of ocean liner memorabilia.This QE2 crossing is costing me only $1,500 which is cheaper than it normally is
Re: Mr Prior posting

I have spoken to Creditgate and they confirm that the data on Titanic Voyages was incorrect … as of 15:43 GMT this was corrected. Please check



Further to our telephone conversation, please be advised that the legal status of Titanic Voyages Ltd wil be updated on our site today. The status of "striking off notice" was an error caused by Equifax.

Please accept our apologies for this error.

Kind regards”
RE: Mr Hollis posting 28th Nov 2006

I have emailed Mr Hollis, on a number of occasions to substantiate his defamatory posting or post a retraction … as of this morning I have had no reply (save for an inadequate apology with no retraction nor substantiation) and there has been no post.

I have also asked the ET moderator to contact Mr Hollis … also no reply.

Part of the posting mentioned Millvina Dean and this is my reply which was in my original email to Mr Hollis “As for Millvina Dean I think to involve her in your posting is deplorable but for the record I did set up Millvina's website as a demo to show her and took it down again immediately when she asked and DID NOT take any monetary orders for her book or any trips”

Mr Hollis please contact me. To confirm my contact address is [email protected]
Re: Titanic Voyages and something official

To quote Mr. Standart’s posting:- “As a cautionary note, I could be reading it wrong...dead wrong...so let's not jump to any conclusions until we get something official”

I do not wish to enter into a posting discussion so I would suggest that in order for you guys to ‘get something official’ I would like to offer to meet with a representative of ET and go through our history, plans and ambitions for a Memorial Crossing in 2012 and then let him/her to report back independently. Reading through the ET posts I would suggest Mr Standart, but I will let that be your choice … just let me know at [email protected]

Secondly here are some comments about some of the questions/statements

A large number of third parties have been engaged and the statement that we do not have a specific ship is correct - most cruise companies do not position their ships until 3 years before the season, but we do have the next best thing which is a written commitment to work with us on providing us the correct size and quality ship for the correct number of people. We felt that it was better to engage with a highly respected company who could provide the required quality/quantity than a specific ship.

We have allocated a number of (80) single crossings, regardless of whether the ship has single cabins, so it may be that a traveller would get a twin room at no extra cost … this is our risk.

The web site was down for 2 days due to change of provider; those of you who have visited before will see the new look.

The deposit is a commitment to travel. What we don’t want are many hundreds of people saying they want to go, and then cancel at the last minute, which then puts the whole trip in jeopardy. We have, when requested, refunded the deposit. Indeed in late October this year we had a traveller who cancelled due to personal reasons, and had over £1100 pounds refunded in a matter of days.

The cost is the cost … We have worked with industry professionals in order to get the best, and have had to forecasted these costs through to 2012. These are what the projected costs are. The number of people booked so far indicate that they see it as very good value for money.

We have a number of leading historians in our team in order to plan the memorial crossing and they have confidence in what we are collectively trying to achieve.

Believe me, organising a Titanic Memorial Crossing for 2012 is quite complex and we will not be able to please all of the people all of the time, but with a lot of hard work and the support of a great deal of people (thanks to all those who have already supported us) we are planning something very very special.
Time to put this one to bed once and for all.

The ET message board is not a forum for the promotion or unsubstantiated criticism of private commercial ventures. Individual grievances, complaints, concerns or questions should be taken up with Mr. Cowlard in private correspondence, and not in a public posting. The thread is closed to posting.