Titanic Memorial Cruise April 15 2012

"Tripe, Dry Hash, Gruel".
I wouldn't mind, as long as I'm on the ship, in April 2012 (as one who has settled for the Choice and Best Western Hotels breakfast fare: dry cereals, juice, and coffee, free fare one can enjoy as part of the greater experience).

And as I stated, earlier, if the plans for the cruise/crossing fall through and we don't get our money back, we in the US just need to make sure to fully document our investments (think of "C.Y.A."), then write off our losses on Form 1040, Schedule D, as nonbusiness bad debts (in the actual year we realize a loss). Thus, Mr. Standart will benefit under both scenarios: a great time at sea, or a way to save on his taxes.
I spoke to the organiser yesterday, and its very exciting (I can't say too much, I hope you understand!).

So far over 600 people have signed up for the voyage.
Don't know if anyone will catch this I posted info re the 2012 cruise on the Olympic Promo Movie Thread. Jason said to go to General Titanica so here it is. I have TWO WORDS FOR YOU
Be Careful with your money regarding this ALLEGED Cruise.Example when I contacted the administrator he said he did not have ANY ship yet, then goes on to say that he is not accepting any more single bookings. Strange no ship yet he knows how many single spaces are available. Sounds like he is trying to get Double Deposits now. Now get this, He also said if anyone cancels they will NOT get a refund. I now will paste a message I got regarding this Cruise and person. His first Name I think is Michael and his last name IS Cowlard
According to Companies house in London he has been a director of 10 different companies that have gone bankrupt - how far would you trust him?
He is also the person who set up the Website for Milly Dean and was answering questions on her behalf sending messages and taking monetary orders for a book and his trips all without her knowledge - she never knew a thing about it - he was also inviting ''everyone'' to tea with her without her knowledge!
SO be CAREFUL with your money. If you want to throw it away I am on a fixed SS Income and you could send it to me or donate it to Make A wish Foundation
Cheers Jon
O.K. Jason???
My advice to everyone: keep records of how much you have placed for this excursion.
If things don't work out, you may be entitled to a worthless venture loss, at least in the US. Again, keep detailed records of how much you have put up, or are planning to put up.

A Bad Debt Loss may be available, per IRC Section 165, here in the US, but the worthlessness of your investments must be established.

I hope all will be well, and that we will all see each other in April 2012.

I would like to endorse Jon Hollis and John Clifford's sentiments regarding Titanic Voyages; the company organising the 2012 ‘memorial cruise.’ Do not let your interest in the Titanic disaster cloud your judgement, as you could lose a great deal of money in the process. I would encourage anyone to contact Companies House (in the UK) for themselves to see exactly what (failed) ventures Mike Cowlard has been involved with. You might also see two (defunct) Titanic-related companies listed under a "Mike Lowland" which is odd. I understand Titanic Voyages are currently in collaboration with the officers of the British Titanic Society to organise a three-day trip to Halifax, Nova Scotia, for next April's 95th anniversary. Caveat emptor; let the buyer beware.

After reading the posts of Jon Hollis,John Creamer and John Clifford's suggestion of what to do if you are ripped-off by this company offering this alleged cruise that probably in my honest opinion won't happen and according to Paul Lee's post of Dec.14,2005 "over 600 people have signed for the voyage" well if I am correct in my prediction that this Titanic Memorial Cruise in 2012 is canceled I hope that these over 600 people won't get too disappointed.I have come up with an alternative idea to this 2012 alleged cruise and the only negative thing about this idea is that it is in 2008 instead of 2012 and here is this idea.On April 12,2008 the Queen Elizabeth 2 will sail from New York to Southampton,arriving in Southampton on April 18,2008.According to the Cunard website EBS fares are from $1,199 and here is the link to the webpage www.cunard.com/CruiseItinerary_tab.asp?cruiseid=2942&LeftNav=Planner&Active=&Sub=OB=&Region= .As I have said before let's face reality this 2012 Titanic memorial is probably not happening because in my opinion this is not a reputable company.Just a month ago I sent an e-mail to the World Ship Society,Port of New York branch suggesting a Titanic memorial crossing aboard the QE2 on April 12,2008 and they did send me a response saying that they received my e-mail and that it will be brought up and discussed at the next meeting and that they will get back to me on this idea and I am a member of the World Ship Society,Port of New York branch.Even though this QE2 voyage of 4/12-18/2008 is not on the 100th anniversary,it would be the 96th,what difference would it make if it is the 96th Anniversary or 100th Anniversary and the QE2 would be sailing the North Atlantic between New York and Southampton at the time of the 96th Anniversary which is still almost 100 years though I really can't say how close to the Titanic wreck site the QE2 will be able to sail to.April 12,2008 is still over 16 months from now so there is plenty of time to plan for this.I am already booked for this QE2 crossing on April 12,2008.Anyone else reading this do you have any other ideas or an opinion on my idea?
I'm confused, several people I have spoken with told me this 2012 cruise will be on the QM2-others suggested Cunard was never even approached regarding the 2012 memorial cruise.......

Could someone please spell out what's the definative truth about this cruise?

Could someone seperate the facts from the speculation?

If its legit, Id love to go, but if Im going to pay thousands of dollars- and in the end get nothing- I WILL go postal on someone....
I need to be assured this thing is real...

I just hope the person coordianting the venture can put to rest any doubts and assure people in titanicdom this cruise is a GO....

If its a situation where its a *hope* a ship will be found and booked by 2012- rather than a situation where one is already reserved for 2012- Id be very uneasy-
I for one hope this trek is real, and just hope the powers that be that are behind the 2012 Titanic memorial cruise will post here and articulate what the cruise is about0- if it will indeed be on Qm2, or if no ship is booked to date..
I am not casting doubts about the legitimacy of this venture- just i have heard many inconsistant things, and would like to see the record set straight..
One friend suggested 2012 is a long way off, so its impractical to think a ship would be reserved at this point- I don't know, is that really an impractical expectation? If no vessel is booked, where does the money go in the interem?

What would probrolly be most practical is to do what RMSTI did 10 years ago- they chartered 2 smaller and older liners to go to the Titanic site and watch the 1st attempt to raise the Big Piece....
Why not do somthing similar in 2012- charter a couple smaller and older vesslers to retrace titanic's path,. that way every passenger would be there for Titanic...
I hope this 2012 cruise is real, becuse I would love to be at the site on the 100th anniversay of the sinking..
many thanks

Tarn Stephanos
>>Could someone please spell out what's the definative truth about this cruise?

Could someone seperate the facts from the speculation? <<

I think that's what some parties are trying to do. At the moment, there doesn't appear to be much out there. This whole thing may or may not be legit, but let's be very careful about what's said about it here. Anyone who posts something disparaging could very well be risking a libel suit if it turns out the enterprise is on the up and up!

Check things out by all means, but tread lightly please.
It is really funny.A week ago on November 29th when I last wrote my last post on this topic,I went to the titanic voyages website and all I got was a statement saying like this webpage is not available and just now I went back to the titanic voyages website and now it working perfectly.I just wonder why the website was not working last week and now it is because last week when I attempted to get onto the website and all I got was the statement saying this webpage is not available made me think then a week ago that this titanic voyages venture is bogus and who knows it may still be.Anyway today when I got onto the website and I saw the fares that they are asking for this alleged cruise or crossing and to be honest I think they are an outrage.For example a Grade A cabin for $5,100 U.S.Dollars up to a Grade E Balcony suite for $7,900 U.S.Dollars.Also that all single rooms have been reserved but we are happy to put you on our waiting list.As to which ship will be chartered for this cruise/crossing well the ship will be announced in 2009.Funny that they say that all single cabins are sold out and yet they still don't know which ship they will use.Since they are claiming single cabins will be aboard this ship,that claim would exclude the Queen Mary 2 since she does not have any single cabins though the Queen Elizabeth 2 does have single cabins so the Queen Elizabeth 2 may be one of the ships under consideration if this Titanic Memorial Cruise does happen in 2012.Next July I will be doing a roundtrip transatlantic crossing aboard the Queen Mary 2 for about $4800 which is still about $300 cheaper than the $5100 one-way Southampton to New York crossing aboard an unknown ship in April,2012 and even the April 12,2008 transatlantic crossing from New York to Southampton aboard the Queen Elizabeth 2 will only cost me about $1,500 and the April 22,2008 Southampton to New York transatlantic crossing aboard the Queen Mary 2 will cost me $2,190.Both these roundtrip transatlantic crossings are still cheaper than the one-way April,2012 transatlantic crossing aboard a mystery ship.And then they have the nerve to ask for a $400 deposit for an unknown ship.Sorry but I don't think I am interested in putting down $400 for an unknown ship for a voyage that is still over 5 years from now.I will commemorate the Titanic tragedy on my own when I do a roundtrip transatlantic crossing aboard the Queen Mary 2 in 2012 and also the transatlantic crossings aboard the Queen Mary 2 and Queen Elizabeth 2 in 2007 and 2008.
>>Is it set in stone?/<<

If that credit report in the link is any indication, I wouldn't bet my lunch money on it. That "Legal Status: Striking off notice" is the sort of thing which...so I'm given to understand...indicates that the company is being dissolved.

As a cautionary note, I could be reading it wrong...dead wrong...so let's not jump to any conclusions until we get something official.
Damn....This just raises even more questions....
I'd really like to be at the site in 2012-

This cruise sounds like a great trek- but now I dont know if I should gamble and pay, or save my pennies for something more secure...
I HOPE it happens, and I wish the coordiantors success in making it happen- but without the element of certainty, this venture sounds like a big gamble.....I hope my concerns are unfounded, I hope the cruise is a definate...

Tarn Stephanos