Titanics Engines

Thanks, I'm not really sure what will come of these plans I have just been doing this in my spare time but if they come out good enough to be included on this website as a supplement to the deck plans here that would be great. Would give others the chance to see a very simple layout of the ship.

On the full profile view diagram if it could be made to full size like on my computer you can see that each deck from the stoke hold plates up to A deck has the height of the deck from the floor to the deck to show the difference in height at the bow and in the middle and the stern down to general locations such as a rough estimate of where the Emergency Dynamo`s are situated at among other things.
You might want to get in touch with Phil Hind about this. I may be mistaken, but I seem to remember that somebody else is trying to do something about the ET deckplans. If this is the case, I'm sure he wouldn't mind a helping hand.
Well I worked some on the engine room I have the Recprocating Engine room completed minus minor small steam pipes that need to be runned along the side of the hull from Bulkhead between Boiler Room #1 and the Recprocating Engine room to the bulkhead between the Turbine room and the Recprocating Engine room.

Heres the links to the two new diagrams so far.

This one is the full plans not croped down to see the detail


And heres the croped down one to show the detail in the Recprocating Engine room

HI Mike,

I was the other person working on the deckplans, I revised them to make them as accurate as possible with every room and closet labeled, as well as furniture in the public rooms, toilets etc.

The project has stalled on D-Deck due to mitigating circumstances, but the work I have so far is fantastic :)

Best Regards,

Brian, I thought about doing the upper decks as far as the public rooms and staterooms goes but decided to start with the engine room and spread out to the boilers then the crew spaces on the above decks.

Now I make my question here, too, because I see this a frequently saw topic...

The stroke and the diameter of the reciprocating engines were internal or external measures? If those internal, what are the outside diameters and strokes? /Can I use this informations for my engine-model?/

Lajos your best bet is to get one of the engine/turbine room blue prints they have a scale on them atleast mine did that shows you how many feet an item is and can use that to get an estimate. I planned on using that to build a fairly large scale engine room and turbine room and build it all enclosed but with a plexiglass starboard side to allow you to view in. Gonna be a fairly large shadow box you can call it going to use fiber optics for the light wires and all.

But I recomend getting those engine room plans they will surely help they are alittle hard to read I was using them to draw the refrigeration and steam pipes and alot of the pipes run atop one another
Thanks, Matt!

Plexiglass sided engine room?! Amazing!
I'll build a semi-cutaway model in 1:280 /or better in 1:144/. Some of the pieces of the shell plating will removable, and the interior details /wheelhouse, Marconi room, silent cabin, few of 1st class cabins, GSC, 3rd class open space, 1st class reception, double bottom, and what I can.../ will visible. It will a lot of work.
So, the engine room plans are correct. I've got floorplan, side view, and the cross section - and some photos of the wreck. Can I find everywhere more plans? Maybe for the pipes and wires? /aft or fore view of the engines/
Or those are not?

You might be able to find more plans but what I have found have been drawn by Bruce, on the Titanic Model website that I have doesnt show the wiring but if you take and look at other Steam ships of the era and look at how their wiring/steam pipes are setup it will give you a general idea cause most steam ships using the same triple expansion engines are going to be simmilar.

I also desided the plexiglass side cause I didnt want to go cleaning it after i finish it. Thats why I am working on some rough plans using the paint computer program to get a general idea of how I can lay it all out. Im thinking 1/48 scale which would put the turbine compartment and the recprocating engine room compartment at 32" in length and if i do like I was throwing around lately of including the #1 boiler room to include steam pipes im at 39.5". I just need to see how big the engines will be in 1/48" scale if their too small to give the detail I might bump up the scale to a larger scale and then just have to figure out where to display it. If you planned on putting lights on the model your building I would recomend using LED bulbs since they dont burn out as quickly and then use fiber optics. You can take and scrape the fiber optic just right and then glob some clear glue onto it and make a hanging light bulb and it will give off a soft glow like a real bulb of that era.
Thanks matt for the pipe plan! It's a great work! this is simple logic, or any technical work? Can you post a little bigger version, too? I hardly see that. And how I know the vertical positions of that?
Heres a link to a croped down version that is alittle better to see.

These arent simple logic details I added to the plans. I used a copy of the "Olympic & Titanic" engine room plans that I got scanned images of that I was working from. Might not be exactly like Titanic but they should be pretty much dead on for the Olympic. If there are any differences in the Titanic it was minor changes.


As far as the verticle positions of the pipes. I will try to add those to my profile blueprint that I am working on that I posted above that will take more time cause I have to be careful cause those plans are fairly accurate to scale. But those will be posted though when those are finished.