Trumpeter 1/200 Scale


Has anyone here heard anything more about the upcoming release for Trumpeter`s new 1/200 scale Titanic?

I'm asking around on a few places trying to see if anyone heard anything about pricing, if it would include PE, and if it was going to be as accurate as the Minicraft 1/350 scale models.

I'm really looking forward to doing a lit up one if the Trumpeter kit is accurate and isn't too much more money than the Minicraft one.
I could assure you that the Titanic in 1:200 is "on the way"! Check out the Facebook-site of Mr. Randall Wilson, the artist who is making all the boxarts of Trumpeter's last ship models - he is working on the 1:200 Titanic box art at the moment and shows is progress there :)
So yes, it would come .... I think they will show it in Nuremberg early next year .... :)
That's exciting news. If Trumpeter is doing a 1/200 Titanic, seeing how Trumpeter did a 1/200 Nelson and Rodney, one could make the leap that an Olympic or Britannic or both could be on the ways as well. A modeler commented words to the effect "Not another Titanic!" There hasn't been a decent large scale Titanic in over 40 years, the "recent" corrected re-release by Minicraft in 1/350 hardly would count as "new." I am looking forward to this one. Thanks for the heads up.
If the upcoming Titanic would be as good as their 1:200 Bismarck, then WOW :) I love their 1:200 monsters and I waited so long for a Titanic in a huge scale. It is a real dream coming true with that. I saw that Randall Wilson pubilshed the already finished box art now .... Maybe they will show the Titanic in Nuremberg Toy Fair next year? Hope so :)
Has anyone here heard anything more about the upcoming release for Trumpeter`s new 1/200 scale Titanic?

I'm asking around on a few places trying to see if anyone heard anything about pricing, if it would include PE, and if it was going to be as accurate as the Minicraft 1/350 scale models.

I'm really looking forward to doing a lit up one if the Trumpeter kit is accurate and isn't too much more money than the Minicraft one.
It's been a year now, anyone seen anything other then box art?
We have a mock-up at Nuremberg.


I still have *3* of the Minicraft kit, in various stages of assembly, to do!

Now I will have to build another add-on to my eventual house just to accommodate this monster. Right next to the study and the snooker room.

Please keep us advised on this prototype. And tell them to get it right; starting with that centre prop!

Kodos the Executioner
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Mr. Lowe! Take a bosun's party and a Master-at-Arms, and get those children off of the foc'sle railing at once!"
Has anyone here heard anything more about the upcoming release for Trumpeter`s new 1/200 scale Titanic?

I'm asking around on a few places trying to see if anyone heard anything about pricing, if it would include PE, and if it was going to be as accurate as the Minicraft 1/350 scale models.

I'm really looking forward to doing a lit up one if the Trumpeter kit is accurate and isn't too much more money than the Minicraft one.
It was at the Nuremberg Toy Fair in January - an assembled kit including photo etch. Which possibly makes it a mid year release. Price I’m unsure of but expect it around the price that HMS Nelson and Rodney sell for at that scale.
I just had a conversation with Strike Force Hobbies in Canada...the Trumpeter 1/200 Titanic lists for $599, their price will be $499. I think that is US dollars.