Was the forward funnel the only one to collapse

It seems the only funnel people discuss as having fallen over during the sinking was the forward most one, and such was likely due to the fact the opening forward expansion joint resulted in the taught guy wires pulling the funnel over, thus causing her to frature at the base......

Gracie, Bride and Lightoller were nearlly crushed to death by that falling funnel...

Thayer suggests the 4th funnel fell AFT after the ship broke in two, and the stern section settled back- Perhaps a whiplash effect?

I believe Thayer also suggested the 2nd funnel fell over as well....

Perhaps in the final seconds, the 2nd funnel fell forward and destroyed the skylight over the grand staircase, and the funnel was swept overboard?

Are there any other eye witness acconts that suggest any funnel other than the 1st funnel was seen falling over at the surface?

I believe the 2nd and 4th funnel never fell at the surface, but were swept away on the way to the sea floor, and the 3rd funnel came loose after the lights when out, as the ship was breaking up...What do you all think?

It annoys me somewhat that in the film "A Night To Remember", the 4th funnel is depeicting as having fallen.


Tarn Stephanos
Hey Tarn,
Cool question! That makes me wonder now, maybe the skylight was damaged from the 2nd funnel. It would be cool to see that be shown in a film. It would probably cost a bunch though!
I think that the skylight suffered a lot more damage from the water pressing against it then anything else. It was designed to look pretty, not to keep out the entire Atlantic ocean.
Tarn, in ANTR i think it was actually the 1st funnel they depict as falling because it nearly hits Lightoller (Kenneth More". Yes they should have showed that scene earlier because when they showed the bow was completely submerged. Also, if you look closely, you can see part of the last funnel still attached to the ship in the next scene.
Its curious, Britannic survivors suggest all 4 of Britannic's funnels fell, yet its possible only one of Titanic's funnels fell.
Cold Titanic's funnels have been more securly affixed to the deck, or could have Britannic have attained a more dramatic list?

As for Lusitania, some accounts suggest her 4th funnel fell, but I think with Lucy, all 4 funnels held..In fact, survivors Charles lauriet was nearlly sucked into one....


Tarn Stephanos
Tarn, in the case of the Britannic survivors saw the last THREE funnels fall off as she sank. The first funnel was found on the ocean floor only a few feet from its original position. The others were spread out on the course the ship took when the captain tried too beach her on Kea island.
As for Titanic, I think only the 2nd funnel held on at the surface as I think the 3rd and 4th broke off when the ship broke off when the ship split in two.
As for the lusitania, in Diana Presten's book they all broke off in the ship's final seconds before she sank.
>>So that would say that they all came of the ship when she sank.<<

Perhaps...but not nesseccerily at the same time. Oje or two might have remained attached as the ship submerged, but none stayed that way as the hull decended through the water column. As far as I know, no evidence of any of these funnels has ever been found in the debris field.
I've heard that one or two of the funnels where found near the stern, and i've seen pictures of the steam pipes heading up to the whistle and a few pictures of the whistle. I'm not sure if it's pictures of the whistle that was raised or if they found another set.
I was under the impression that most of the funnels had rusted into nothingness, leaving the slightly stronger built steam pipes and whistles remaining.
Perhaps Ken could shed some light on this, I think it was discussed in relevance to one of his paintings of the wreck a while back.
My best,

Yea while examining his painting of the stern wreck and near it looks like a section of a funnel. I dont think the funnels would be gone, I would think they'd be either buried in the bottom because they hit with such force it flattened them and then they were covered by silt, but thats just my theory.
Keep in mind that the funnels were made of much lighter metal than the actual ship. We all know how badly the ship has deteriorated in the past few years, so I doubt it would take too long for the remains of a funnel to disappear. Incidently, how thick was the metal used to make the funnels?
An argument can arise in the fact that the Britannic's funnels still lie near or around the ship. Then again, how stable is Britannic structure?
Just my thoughts,
My best,

Alex, Chris,

>>An argument can arise in the fact that the Britannic's funnels still lie near or around the ship. Then again, how stable is Britannic structure?<<

However, the state of the Britannic is much better than the Titanic, so it is possible for the funnels to have survived around the Britannic and not the Titanic. Also, considering the depth of water that the Titanic sank in, it is also possible that the Titanic's funnels may have drifted away from the wreck site on its way down. The Britannic sank in shallow water, so the funnels sank together and did not drift away.n Just my thoughts.....