Certainly, the evidence of John B. Thayer Jr is consitent with the physical condition of the wreck of the 2nd funnel, as expounded upon above.
Thayer was meticulous in his description of the juncture at which he and Milton Long left the ship. He clearly indicates, from his description of the railing which he "straddled" preparatory to jumping, that he and Long were amidships on the starboard side.
Hence, it is likely that the funnel described here:
"The second funnel, large enough for two automobiles to pass through abreast, seemed to be lifted off, emitting a cloud of sparks. It looked as if it would fall on top of me. It missed me by twenty or thirty feet."
...was the 2nd funnel, which would have been a matter of feet away from him as he departed the ship. It is highly unlikely, therefore, that the funnel was submergd *before* detaching from the ship.
Best Regards,
Thayer was meticulous in his description of the juncture at which he and Milton Long left the ship. He clearly indicates, from his description of the railing which he "straddled" preparatory to jumping, that he and Long were amidships on the starboard side.
Hence, it is likely that the funnel described here:
"The second funnel, large enough for two automobiles to pass through abreast, seemed to be lifted off, emitting a cloud of sparks. It looked as if it would fall on top of me. It missed me by twenty or thirty feet."
...was the 2nd funnel, which would have been a matter of feet away from him as he departed the ship. It is highly unlikely, therefore, that the funnel was submergd *before* detaching from the ship.
Best Regards,