Were her reciprocating engines broken in two

I thought I read somewhere in the dozens of webpages I have gone through in the past few days that when the hull of the Titanic broke in two, and the section of the bottom feel out, dumping out the boilers, that the engines were broken in two as well.

Yet, the painting at:


appears to show both engines intact, with the remains of the decks drapped over the rear half of the engines.

Which is right?

-James Hefner
Hebrews 10:20a

Surviving World Steam Project
Dear James Hefner. Jon Hollis sent you a private e-mail in regards to your questions about the engines.
It appears when the stern broke loose from the missing middle section the forward cylinders did indeed break off. It looks like it broke at the crankshaft first as it 'appears' that one of the giant pistons complete with its connecting rod and a part of the crankshaft slipped out of the cylinder itself. Following are 3 photos that may clear this up for you. If you wish to contact me privately you can do so through Jon Hollis'e-mail
Regards Joshua Trainer

I was about to ask if anyone had ever found the missing Low Pressure cylinders that broke off, but that last photo answered the question for at least one of them. Is the other one by chance close by?
> [Mr. Standart, I will check with Jon H but I think this was the only cylinder photographed. If we find anything further in this pile of slides either Jon or I will let you know. Josh]
> [Hello Mr. Lee, Sorry It's Josh, I will be doing most of Jons postings from now on and more pics perhaps, but we have thousands of slides/photos to try to put in order and catalog from the 1800's to 2004. Jon wants to sell the whole bit and bail out but I am trying to hold it together for him and Bulldog Productions. Thanks for your message. Josh (if you want to contact me direct use Jon e-mail address.) ]
> [I am only helping Jon from getting aggrevated again with the forum by writing for him. I personally have no interest in joining your forum. Thank you for your offer however. Josh]
>>I personally have no interest in joining your forum.<<

Then please don't use Jon's account. If you do, I'll have to suspend it until Jon can get back to using it. If Jon finds posting here too aggravating, then perhaps he should simply resign his membership, but that's for him to decide.
Just out of curiosity, how long would be the time Titanic required to go full astern on the engines as on the night of the accident- the reciprocating engines had a lot of mass, and must have required a time to get stopped and reversed when they were operating at cruise.
I am sure motion through the water would complicate it.