What became of Trevor Allison?

Hi all,

Does anyone know if Trevor went on to attend a college or university, or what he was interested in studying? His father was a remarkably intelligent person, what about his baby son Trevor?
Melinda Laura
Thanks, that much I know too-that he died when he was 18. So tragic. So what age did boys and some girls start college back then? I have a feeling Trevor was about that age to be enrolled.
Melinda Laura
I've suddenly found myself fascinated by the whole Allison family and especially young Trevor. Doesn't seem like there's much (if at all) information about his life that I can find. I did find one photo that claims to be of Trevor, but I cannot find any source to back it up that it's hime. Also this interface is a little confusing and I'm not quite sure how to upload or attach a photo. It's on Google Images should anyone search "Hudson Trevor Allison". Anyone have any idea on this front?

I'm also looking for details of his life that I can find. He found out at a certain age (assuming based upon who relatives said) of his entire's family's fate on the Titanic but once again there seems to be little information on him. Has anyone compiled anything that would help?

I did find this wonderful little story from a man on Ancestry, who claimed to be there the night Trevor died and had some vivid recollections about the boy:
I was there the night Hudson died. I must have been 6-7 yrs old at that time. My mother, Lalon Workman White, and I went by train from Cincinnati to Portland, ME. to visit Aunt Lillie, my mother's sister, Lillian Workman Allison who was the wife of George Allison. George Allison was brother to Hudson Allison. Hudson his wife and daughter went down on the Titanic. Hudson, his name was Trevor but we called him Hudson, was there at Ocean Park. I remember Aunt Lillie's son Eric and Hudson used to like to walk on their hands. They were both strong, healthy vigorous lads. I do not know if Hudson was on his way to college but I do know they had a lot of fun on the beach.Furthermore, I remember that one night there was a lot of activity in the house. I found out the next day that Hudson had died. They told me it was ptomaine poisoning from tainted tongue He had eaten a tongue sandwich.
My middle name is for the Allison family.
Link: Message Boards

Note: some claimed he was on his way to college and stopping by a family home, but I've yet to find a record he was admitted anywhere. My search continues on, but this is a rather fascinating story. Seems to all check out just fine as well. Wonderful piece of history.
I've suddenly found myself fascinated by the whole Allison family and especially young Trevor.
Note: some claimed he was on his way to college and stopping by a family home, but I've yet to find a record he was admitted anywhere. My search continues on, but this is a rather fascinating story. Seems to all check out just fine as well. Wonderful piece of history.
Same here. Hudson Allison was supposed to be an intelligent man and yet he reportedly repeatedly and angrily ignored Sarah Daniels' attempts to warn him that something was seriously wrong. Daniels comes across as a rather timid woman (at least in comparison with Alice Cleaver) and the fact that she was persistently intruding on his privacy should have sounded alarm bells in Allison's mind IMO.

I find Alice Cleaver interesting. Not sure if there is any substance to allegations of infanticide before she joined the Allison household, but she does come across as someone with a tremendous sense of self preservation. She was smart enough to realize that the ship was in trouble and so took care of her personal charge - baby Trevor; IMO the right thing to do under the circumstances. Unlike Sarah Daniels, Alice probably realized that it would be a waste of time to try to convince the Allisons that the Titanic was indeed in trouble and any attempt might have risked the couple confiscating Trevor - to whom Alice might well have developed a maternal attachment - from her. The fact that she tried to warn the other Allison servants berthed in Second Class suggests that she was not a selfish person but simply practical minded. She saved Trevor Allison and by proxy the Allison's cook and thereby did her duty. The fact that Trevor ended up and was brought up by his uncle and aunt suggests that after the tragedy Alice Cleaver followed the 'proper channels' to ensure Trevor ended up in the right hands. She eventually returned to England, married, raised a family and lived to a ripe old age of 95. I would surely have liked to meet her.

The fate of rest of the Allison family is odd so say the least. Obviously, at some point Hudson Allison must have realized that the ship was sinking but how did he get separated from his wife Bess and daughter Loraine? Many accounts have that Bess and Loraine Allison were actually sitting inside a lifeboat when the former decided to get out and dragged poor Loraine with her. If the adult Allisons had any judgement of character, they should have guessed that Alive Cleaver - who certainly does not come across as a panicky type - would have taken care of her charge baby Trevor. Instead, Bess doomed her 2 year old daughter to death by pulling her out of the safety of the Lifeboat (BTW, which Lifeboat could that have been?).

Trevor grew up with his uncle and aunt. I don't know about the college connection but he is supposed to have died at 18 years of age due to ptomaine poisoning. Does anyone know more details?