What do you collect and why

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I've seen that pic (or one just like it) before. It left me with mental scars.
I was kind of hoping not to see it again, but...

Do you know the name of the victim?
Sorry Ryan, not trying to bring you or anyone else down not to sound morbid it's just anything connected to Titanic I have a "morbid" fascination with . . . .it surprises me they would take a picture like that in 1912 . . . again sorry to add to your emotional scars!
>>it surprises me they would take a picture like that in 1912 <<

As I understand it, it was quite common in events like this, especially when you had a lot of bodies and no way of knowing when or even if somebody would show up to make an identification. Even with the best embalming technology, sooner or later, the corpses would have to be buried. In such an event, a photographic record would be the only way to identify somebody since nature itself would already be making it impossible.
I haven't seen too much in the way of Titanic victim's photos, but there are many (I think) more snapshots of Lusitania victims to be seen and are availiable from many sources. Makes me wonder if they were for propoganda purposes?
Darn those pesky Germans!
>>Makes me wonder if they were for propoganda purposes?<<

Wouldn't surprise me in the least. It was war after all and what better way to make the dastardly Bad Guys look like even worse dastardly Bad Guys then showing some dead babies? It won't snooker the other side but it works wonders in whipping your own people up into a rightous rage, and that's the audiance you're playing to anyway!
Hi, I know this is an old posting, but thought I'd share what I have in ways of a collection. I have retrieved sunken artifacts from the Empress of Ireland and Andrea Doria. I have a nine foot length of wooden moulding that originally went around the First Class elevator of the Britannic. Menu's from the Lusitania, Aquitania, Mauretania, Olympic, Queen Mary, Queen Elizabeth, Andrea Doria, Normandie, and Transylvania. I have a china plate that was taken off the Lusitania by one of her officers months before she sank. I also have coal recovered from the Titanic, plus a small piece of wood that came from the wreckage that was picked up by the recovery ship Minia, as well as a piece of wood from the Olympic, and shipwreck coins from the early 1800's. My reason for collecting what I have is my way of reaching back into the past and having a personal touch with all these wonderful ships I've always studied and read about. I also collect alot of reproduction china that would have been used on the Titanic. I have a concert programme from the Majestic, and a passenger list from the Olympic. I really have all I need collection wise, but you always see stuff on e-bay that makes you just want to pull the old card out. I'd have to say my Lusitania china and my Britannic moulding are among my most favorite items as well as my silver coasters that were recovered from the Andrea Doria, and crystal dish and ceramic mould that was recovered from the Empress of Ireland. I have a friend who has an actual dinner plate that was removed from the Titanic before her maiden voyage, and has complete wall paneling from the Olympic. As I said, my collection is very sufficient for me. I'd love to hear others tell about their collections. Thanks.

May be a really old comment but do you still have the Britannic wood? I would love to see pictures please if that's possible.

James Scott