Ioannis Georgiou
The 20 year old data just leaves us with more questions and few answers. Mr. Ray saw water on E-deck forward shortly after 12.30 while the occupants in lifeboat 13 saw the ship's bow had settled down to E-deck after 1.30 on the starboard side.
I was talking about the length of time in which the bow settled down to E-deck around 12.30 and remained like that for over an hour as the occupants of lifeboat 13 saw the ship's head was still only down as far as E-deck more than an hour after Ray had seen the water on E-deck.
What happened afterwards is not what I was debating.
Ray was on deck and saw the first lifeboat lowering and then went down to his cabin. That was well after 12:30. Lifeboat No. 13 left before 1:30 a.m. (Barrett mentioned he left BR 5 and got immediately to boat No. 13 at 1:10 a.m., Dr Dodge mentioned how they watched 1 hour long how the ship sank deeper) so your timing does not really match.
Mr. Littlejohn
"Her forward E-deck ports were under the water"
And as we see he said E Deck portholes were under water which means D Deck was close to the water level.
The ship was still sinking even it slow a little down when the water level reached E Deck.