What Poseidon movie do you like?

Dan Kappes

The original 1972 film, the 2006 remake, or the 2005 TV miniseries?

And what do you think of the sequel to the original 72 film, 1979's Beyond the Poseidon Adventure?
The original film remains the best although I think the book upon which the film is based is better.

The sequel, Beyond the.... Is of the so bad its good categories of movie.
The book is good to but I know a lot of people who hate the end (which had to do with the group of survivors going to the bow of the ship).

I think the best is the original 1972 one. But I also like the 2006 which has a lot of action.
The original 1972 film, the 2006 remake, or the 2005 TV miniseries?

And what do you think of the sequel to the original 72 film, 1979's Beyond the Poseidon Adventure?

I prefer the original 1972 film to the 2006 remake. This is where I discovered and fell in love with Gene Hackman :D

I’ve never seen the 1979 sequel, didn’t know there was one :eek:
TBH, the 1972 film The Poseidon Adventure wasn't really good. If you go back and watch it now, you'll note the stilted dialogue, cardboard characters (I could have strangled Carol Lynley & Shelly Winters) and the unlikely script. Even the talented Gene Hackman was annoying with his pseudo-religious lines. IMO, Ernest Borgnine as the surly Rogo was the only saving grace.

The 2006 remake is by no means a memorable film, but at least it is unpretentious and the characters are far less annoying.
Interesting comments. I prefer the original movie because I saw it when it came out and I've never seen the others. However my compelling reason for liking the original is separate from the actual merits of the movie. At the time it came out I was working in a position that required long hours and put me under a great deal of stress. I had a rare opportunity to take a break, to relax in the calm solitude of a theater and just forget about my workload for a couple of hours. It left me with a refreshed feeling and a pleasant memory that remains to this day.
Thats cool. Movies are good for that. When I was a wee lad we had no television. We were living in Germany and at the time there were no english channels so my parents didn't even bother getting a tv. Going to the movies was a big deal to us.