Which areas or rooms of the wreck would you want to explore?


If you were leading a future expedition to the wreck, what areas or rooms would you try to explore and what would you hope or expect to find?
Let's say you have time to explore 4-5 rooms on Titanic's wreck, which one's would you choose? Keep in mind it can be rooms never seen before by other expeditions.
I'd like to see more exploration done of the stern area. I know it's a mess but there may well still be some intact sections of the interior, and that part of the ship doesn't get anywhere near the same attention as the bow section. Also, I think it would be worthwhile exploring the cargo holds and engine rooms more thoroughly. These were done to an extent in Ghosts of the Abyss - as was much of the ship - but there were areas that were difficult to access / not visited. I'd like to know whether that object in the cargo hold really was the Renault car or not, surely it couldn't be? Just a few unanswered questions like that. Further explorations of staterooms would add more of a personal touch as well.

The problem is that the wreck is deteriorating more and more. There's less to see and it's less likely that there will be more expeditions on the scale of Cameron's GOTA.

The cost of additional visits to the wreck - how to pay? It seems like TV specials have kind of run their course, particularly if the purpose is to explore more esoteric issues. Maybe carry passengers in the submersible for, what, $1 million per head?
The problem with exploring the sterm is that the entire stern section is only 12 feet tall now and each deck is no larger than a foot in height due to the crushing of the decks during the decent to the bottom. It might be time for new technology to be used- why can't we send in a small RC drone controlled from asubmersialbe just outside the ship to fit into the tiny spaces? Sure it would be to small to remove items from the wreck but if you could attach a strong enough light to it, it could reveal what lies inside those areas. Just an idea...

Correct me if I'm wrong but weren't tourist visits to the wreck being done for a while, but have now been ended? I have a feeling I read that somewhere a while back.


It's an interesting idea and I definitely think the technology would exist these days to be able to make it happen, but even if a small robot could make it into the interior of the stern, if the damage is that severe would there really be very much to see? It's a bit similar to the compacting that's happened to the Lusitania wreck, there's just not much left to see of her at all now. And yes, the bigger problem as Doug alluded to would be getting the funding behind such an expedition.

It would be nice if a 3-D survey was made of the exterior, and the accessible interior areas. Let's face it, it's sort of a now or never crossroads. Eventually it will be an unremarkable pile of rusted steel sinking into the seafloor. Any future theories on the sinking will have to rely on old data (since the wreck and associated debris fields will have vastly deteriorated).
Hi, you may be right, I really don't know. The closest thing I can think of was the exterior mapping carried out sometime around the centenary.

I guess the number of rusticles would pose a mighty problem for imaging technology in confined spaces? A true scan would be difficult to decipher once you take them into account I guess.

Thanks for the reply
A possible goal for interior scans is to make an exact replica of the wreck as it looked like right after she hit the bottom, thus before the deterioration started. That replica will be built in a hangar so people can "walk" Titanic's wreck. All wood will still be there and there are no rusticles yet.

Just a hypothetical way to display how the wreck once looked like, and make money out of it by making visitors pay. This might become very interesting once the real wreck is gone.
i would like to answer this question in a different way by asking this question ( i hope you will forgive me for saying this.) what if the titanic didnt see the iceberg, and sink, and somehow finds a way to come to your city or town, if you had a chance to explore any room or areas on the ship, what would be the first place on the ship you want to visit? i will start by saying the grand staircase, which is the most beautiful part of the whole ship. next, i would like to visit ismay's first class cabins finally i would visit the room of molly brown, one of the heroes of the titanic. i have been to her denver home, and it was quite interesting to see what kind of life she had. these are the three areas i would like to visit on the titanic. how about the rest of you?
Hi, that is a good idea. Being able to compare each room in a before and after state would be very interesting.

A possible goal for interior scans is to make an exact replica of the wreck as it looked like right after she hit the bottom, thus before the deterioration started. That replica will be built in a hangar so people can "walk" Titanic's wreck. All wood will still be there and there are no rusticles yet.

Just a hypothetical way to display how the wreck once looked like, and make money out of it by making visitors pay. This might become very interesting once the real wreck is gone.
Hi Mueller, I think that it would be hard to say. I think a lot of the interest in Titanic is not just that it was a great ship in her day, but that Titanic's sinking was a stage where human drama was all too real. People like Margaret Brown were certainly known at the time, but it is what they did during and after the sinking that assured their place in history.

If Titanic had not sunk, I probably wouldn't know much about anyone on board; with the exception of the very wealthy (and therefore already well known) people. It's not my place to suggest, but I dare say that those larger than life people like Captain Smith might have faded from memory had they not had the unfortunate distinction of having died on the Titanic. Someone like Guggenheim or Astor had the wealth and already filled the newspapers before their sinking. Titanic's sinking allowed us to see and know of people who, for lack of a better term, were too 'normal' and blended in to those around them. Except that night.

In light of that and in keeping with the scenario you defined, had Titanic not sunk I think the rooms which I would have wanted to see would include the engineering spaces. The grand parts of a ship are nice, but give me the working areas.