Encyclopedia Titanica

Brian J. Ticehurst

Member and Contributor since April 2003

E.J. The Story of Edward J. Smith. Captain of the Titanic
A review of Gary Cooper's second book on the RMS Titanic's Captain...
True Survivors : Millvina Dean and Barbara West
An update on the last two British Titanic survivors......
CLASSified in Death : Recovering the Titanic's dead
How, even in death, a rigid class structure was still applied to Titanic's victims....
SOS : Titanic NOT the first user
OVER the years many myths and fallacies have grown up around the Titanic. Not least the myth that the Titanic was the first vessel to use the International Distress Call 'SOS'.This is not so - the facts are these:-T...
Ritz Restaurant Staff on the Titanic
ON BOARD the Titanic was what must have been the finest Restaurant in the world....
Frank Allsop Memorial
Photograph of gravestone mentioning Titanic victim...
Rediscovered postcard strengthens link between town and Titanic
Castle Cary's connection with the world's most famous shipping disaster has been strengthened still further. This is because a New Forest pensioner has discovered a postcard found on the ship, which was to be sent to the wife of a local butcher....
Sale of Rogers' Postcard
In Sotheby's July 21/22 1992 Sale Lot 278: RMS Titanic postcard sent from the Titanic, written to James Day of Swansea by his friend ''W.J.R.'' in pencil . .. Just a line to show that I am alive & kicking going grand its a ...
Frank Millet
Frank Millet, 65, a distinguished artist, author and war correspondent who had lived the last 25 years of his life in Broadway, and was widely popular in the picturesque Cotswold village.He was born in America, served as a drummer boy wit...
Titanic Officer: Henry Wilde (Family Information)
Information on Henry Wilde by his grandaughter....
City's Unsung Titanic Hero
Article Frederick Barrett...
''Drowned, too was a famous man from Broadway - 65-years-old F. D.Millet, a distinguished artist, author and war correspondent who livedat Russell House on the main approach from Evesham into the picturesqueWorcestershire village.He was bo...
Reminder of a sea disaster
There's a large black stone cross in the churchyard of St. Mary Magdalene, Knighton, that serves as a permanent reminder of a sea tragedy that shook the world 70 years ago.The inscription says: Erected to the beloved memory of Denzil J. J...
A HULL SURVIVOR of the Titanic disaster has died at the age of 86. He was Irish-born Mr Edmond Ryan, formerly of Welwyn Park-road, Hull, who died in Kingston Old People's Home, Pearson Park. He leaves a daughter and a son. At the time ...
Copy of letter sent by Mr. Knowles's daughter
He jumped into the sea of chaos and saw Captain Smith lift a baby into a lifeboat, but he refused to be saved himself....
A Canadian Reference
Collett, said he assisted Miss Wright and Miss Buss to the lifeboat and after explaining to the crew about to man it that the young women had been entrusted to his care, he was allowed to enter the lifeboat with them......
Death notice: Herbert John Pitman
At Pitcombe, Bruton, Somerset, aged 84. A survivor of the Titanic disaster; was third officer on the liner, which sank in the Atlantic in 1912 after striking an iceberg on her maiden voyage....
Widow of Titanic Officer visits Chorley
Seeks Family CrestMotto - ''Let your light shine''By a coincidence, a visitor to Chorley this week was Mrs. SylviaLightoller, widow of the late Cdr. C. H. Lightoller, who is played byKenneth More in the fi...
Titanic men for premiere of new film
A HANDFUL of survivors from the Titanic disaster in 1912, some of whom have not seen each other since, will be at the Odeon, Leicester Square, tonight, to see the premiere of the new Rank Organisation film, A Night To Remember.The film...
Special anniversary for Titanic survivors
SATURDAY was a special anniversary for three Southampton men - Mr. Walter Hurst of 5 Granville Street, Mr. Leo James Hyland of 11 Burlington Road, and Mr. George Kemish of 14 Begonia Road. Exactly 46 years ago these three were part of the crew abo...
Commander C. H. Lightoller
Commander C. H. Lightoller died at his home at Twickenham yesterday at the age of 78......
Old postcard stirs Titanic memory
Titanic postcard read "Everything very fine up to now. No sickness anywhere. The ship is wonderful. Wished you could have come"...
Former White Star man was survivor of Titanic disaster
A Former White Star man who was a survivor of the Titanic disaster in April 1912, 81-years-old Mr. John Hardy, left Southampton for New York last night in U.S. Lines America after his first home visit in 18 years.Mr. Hardy, who is now livin...
Titanic survivor Duquemin dies after long illness
Guernsey born former soldier and Titanic survivor succumbed at Stamford Hospital....
Death of Titanic survivor
Mrs. Catherine Croke, Ballinntemple, Dundrum, whose death has occurred is believed to have been the last survivor in Ireland of the ill-fated Titanic. She was aged 21 at the time of the disaster and it was her first experience of being aboard a sh...
Death of Mr. Algernon Barkworth
Mr. Algernon H. Barkworth a well- known figure in Hull and east Riding public life, died on Sunday at his home at Tranby House, Hessle, at the age of 80.For 35 years a member of the east Riding bench, Mr. Barkworth retired from the positio...
Titanic Survivors Prison Cell Claim
Survivor of the Titanic disaster, Charles Hichens will be released in a few weeks from Maidstone Gaol, where he is serving ten years' penal servitude for shooting another seaman dead. Hichen who seeks only to end his days in "peace and quiet", is cla...
Private Reginald Hardwicke, A.S.A.
Private Reginald Hardwicke, A.S.A., of 7- Duke Street, Creswell, Derbyshire has succumbed to a two days illness at the Fulham Hospital, London.He only joined up eight weeks ago, having been in training at Isleworth, Middlesex. He was 26 years o...
Probate report (John Montgomery Smart)
Smart, John Montgomery of F26/F27 Produce Exchange, New York, United States of America. Administration with Will limited, registered London 9th December 1916 to Samuel Peck Director attorney of Jeremiah Tivomey. Effects in England £134.17.9d...
Harrison : Titanic Relief Fund, Liverpool Area
No. 421 Harrison, Mrs. Mary. Address for cheques: Old Swan Branch, 521 Prescot Road, Liverpool. Net monthly allowance to widow £7 13 2d no children monthly total £7 13 2d....
Minutes of Titanic Relief Fund
Liverpool Area CommitteeNo. 415. Franklin, Mrs. B. Address for cheques: The National Provincial Bank of England Limited, London Street, Norwich. Net monthly allowance to widow £3. 7 2d one child £1 1 8d total £4 8 10d....
Letter re Officer Wilde
A letter showing how Captain Smith's widow Eleanor took an interest in the wellbeing of Henry Wilde's surviving children....
In memoriam
In loving memory of James, the dearly loved husband of Isabella Annie Wyeth . . . ''May his soul rest in peace.''...
In memoriam (2)
Sacred to the memory of our dear boy Herbert Jupe, electrician, who lost his life at his duties on the foundering of the SS Titanic. . . Lost to sight, but to memory very dear. From his father and mother. Absent in body, present in spirit....
In memoriam (3)
In loving remembrance of my dear husband Frank Alfred Parsons....
In memoriam: Fay
In ever loving memory of Thomas Joseph, the dearly beloved husband of Frances Fay . . . Three long years have now passed by. Since this great sorrow fell, Yet in my heart I mourn the loss, Of one I love so well. Time rolls on, the years pass by, What...
In memoriam: Norman Harrison
In most loving memory of Norman Harrison, second engineer of the SS Titanic, who laid down his life in the fulfilment of his duty when that vessel foundered off the coast of Newfoundland, on the morning on Monday, April 15th, 1912. ''Fidelis usque...
Liverpool Branch Titanic Relief Fund : Renny Dodds
The Hon. Secretary reported that he had been notified of the death of Mrs. Susan Dodds, (Mother) which occurred on the 31st March, 1914, and submitted a letter dated 7th July, 1914, received from Mr. C. M. Shannon, sole executor to the estate of S...
Titanic Relief Fund Minutes Liverpool Committee (1)
Termination of dependencyThe Hon Secretary reported the following termination of dependency, of which he has notified the beneficiary as on and after the 1st July 1914, viz.:C. 511. Ellen June Mullin (Sister) 18 years of age on 30th April...
Titanic Relief Fund Minutes : Liverpool Committee : Wilde
Proposal to increase the allowance for Henry Wilde's children to help with their education......
Titanic Relief Fund Minutes Liverpool Committee (Morgan)
C. 523 Bird (or Morgan).In accordance with the resolution of this Committee of the 21st April, 1914, the Hon. Secretary submitted Dr. Oldershaw's report upon the case of Mrs. Margaret Bird (Widow).RESOLVED.That it be recommen...
Titanic Relief Fund
Minute Book number 2, Southampton AreaCase number C150. That Miss Carpenter, Police Court Missioner be requested to endeavour to persuade Mrs Worthman to go into a home for the inebriates and if Mrs. Worthman will not consent, then to con...
Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area (6)
Case number C24. That Mrs. Hilda Allsop be granted the sum of £1 0s 0d for assistance with expenses due to the illness to her little boy....
Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book (1)
Southampton AreaCase number C400. That a grant of 2/- per week be made from the Compassionate Fund to Mrs. Edge because of sickness - vascular disease of heart and neuritis....
Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area (8)
Case number C299. Mrs. Barringer remarried on 14th January 1914 and the usual allowance was paid....
Titanic Relief Fund : Re Charles Lightoller
(From the Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area)Date December 22nd 1913.An offer of £2 0s 0d was made by Mrs Sylvia Lightoller for a ring and a pair of ear-rings which had been anonymously presented to the Relief...
Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area
Case number A grant of 5/- per week be paid from the Compassionate Fund to purchase surgical appliances for Mr. Reed (Partially dependent father)....
Titanic Relief Fund Minute Book number 2, Southampton Area (7)
Case number C299. Decision that a grant of £3 be made from the Compassionate Fund....
Death Notice: Kirby & McMullen
In loving and honoured memory of our dear cousin THOMAS KIRBY also our dearest friend JACK McMULLEN who both laid down their lives at Duty's call on board the SS Titanic, April 15, 1912.Greatly missed but never forgotten by all of us at Sholing...
Probate Report (13)
Smith Edward John. of 17 Marine Crescent, Waterloo, Liverpool. Master Mariner. Probate issued: London 15th November 1912 to Sarah Eleanor Smith, widow. Effects £3,186.4.6d....

Rinaldo Renato Ricaldone

Rinaldo Renato Ricaldone
Restaurant Staff

Samuel James Rule
Victualling Crew

Kristina Sofia Laitinen

Kristina Sofia Laitinen
3rd Class Passenger

Ernest William Hamblyn

Ernest William Hamblyn
Victualling Crew

Archie Jewell

Archie Jewell
Deck Crew

William Henry Saundercock
3rd Class Passenger

Ernest Cann
3rd Class Passenger

Walter Hurst

Walter Hurst
Engineering Crew

Frederick James Banfield

Frederick James Banfield
2nd Class Passenger

Maria Louisa Thorne Drew

Maria Louisa Thorne Drew
2nd Class Passenger

Sibley George Richards

Sibley George Richards
2nd Class Passenger

Boysie Richard Russell

Boysie Richard Russell
Victualling Crew

Mabel Elvina Martin
Restaurant Staff

William Young Moyes

William Young Moyes
Engineering Crew

Alice Catherine Cleaver

Alice Catherine Cleaver
1st Class Passenger

Walter Henry Nichols

Walter Henry Nichols
Victualling Crew

Frederick Fleet

Frederick Fleet
Deck Crew

Charity Robins

Charity Robins
3rd Class Passenger

Samuel Solomon Williams

Samuel Solomon Williams
Engineering Crew

Mary Kezia Roberts

Mary Kezia Roberts
Victualling Crew

Evelyn Marsden

Evelyn Marsden
Victualling Crew

Algernon Henry Barkworth

Algernon Henry Barkworth
1st Class Passenger

Marion Smith
2nd Class Passenger

Elizabeth Nye

Elizabeth Nye
2nd Class Passenger

Jane Quick

Jane Quick
2nd Class Passenger

Alfred Albert White

Alfred Albert White
Engineering Crew

Walter James Brown
Victualling Crew

Arthur Gee

Arthur Gee
1st Class Passenger

Hugh Joseph Fitzpatrick

Hugh Joseph Fitzpatrick
Engineering Crew

Alfred Charles Shiers

Alfred Charles Shiers
Engineering Crew

James Lester
3rd Class Passenger

Thomas Peter O'Connor

Thomas Peter O'Connor
Victualling Crew

Charlotte Caroline Collyer

Charlotte Caroline Collyer
2nd Class Passenger

Archibald Scott
Engineering Crew

Amelia  Lemore

Amelia Lemore
2nd Class Passenger

Marie Grice Young
1st Class Passenger

William Dickson Mackie

William Dickson Mackie
Engineering Crew

Eileen McNamee

Eileen McNamee
3rd Class Passenger

Frank Couch
Deck Crew

Jack Butterworth
Victualling Crew

John Poole Penrose
Victualling Crew

Alexander Robins

Alexander Robins
3rd Class Passenger

Jean Baptiste Blumet
Restaurant Staff

Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills
Victualling Crew

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