Encyclopedia Titanica

List of Rescued Includes Mr. Hays

White Star People Say the Hays Party is Safe.

The Globe

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A despatch received at 1 o’clock by Mr. D. T. Galloway, Assistant to President Hays stated that the names of Mr. And Mrs. Hays, Mr. and Mrs. Thornton Davidson, and Mr. Payne, Secretary to Mr. Hays, had been sent forward as an advance list from the Titanic passenger roll of the rescued.

White Star officials are unable to state whether they are on board the Carpathia, Virginian or Parisian, but Mr. Galloway takes the message to mean that the five mentioned are saved. He believes that the White Star [Line] are endeavoring to secure the names of those saved, and have sent out the names of Mr. Hays and party as among those who were rescued.

No word of any other Montrealers has been secured, although efforts are being made by those having friends on board.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2022) List of Rescued Includes Mr. Hays (The Globe, Monday 15th April 1912, ref: #673, published 31 March 2022, generated 31st January 2025 03:53:09 AM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/list-of-rescued-includes-mr-hays.html