Encyclopedia Titanica

Rosalie Ida Straus

First Class Passenger

Rosalie Ida Straus
Rosalie Ida Straus

Mrs Isidor Straus (Rosalie Ida Blun), 63, of New York, NY, boarded the Titanic at Southampton with her husband Isidor Straus, her maid Ms Ellen Bird and his manservant John Farthing. The Straus's occupied cabins C-55-57.

Mrs. Straus
Daily Sketch, April 19, 1912

Mrs Straus almost entered Lifeboat 8, - then she turned back and rejoined her husband, she had made up her mind: "We have lived together for many years. Where you go, I go." Colonel Gracie and other friends tried to persuade her, but she refused. Mr and Mrs Straus went and sat together on a pair of deck chairs.

Mrs Straus' body was never recovered.

She has a memorial on her husband's grave at Woodlawn Cemetery, Bronx,New York.

Courtesy of Michael A. Findlay, USA

Newspaper Articles

New York Times (18 January 1907) A Day's Weddings
Chicago American (16 April 1912) 300 Of Titanic's Passengers Were Booked At Paris
San Francisco Chronicle (17 April 1912) Gives Life For Love Of Husband
New York Times (17 April 1912) Straus's Secretary Waits All Night
New York Times (18 April 1912) Nathan Straus Told
The Toronto Daily Star (19 April 1912) Last Man To Leave Titanic Was Colonel Gracie, U.s.a.
Mrs. Churchill Candee Washington Herald (19 April 1912) Mrs. Candee Lauds Maj. Butt's Heroism
The Evening Post (19 April 1912) The Sad "might Have Beens"
North American (20 April 1912) Barber Thrown From Titanic As It Sank
New York Times (20 April 1912) Jesse Straus To Hurry Home
Son of Mr. and Mrs. Isidor Straus
New York Times (20 April 1912) Memorial Notice (1)
L'Excelsior (20 April 1912) Mrs Straus Would Not Leave Her Husband
From L'Excelsior, 20 April 1912
New York Times (21 April 1912) Comfort For Oscar Straus
New York Evening Journal (21 April 1912) Mayor Has Tribute For Isidor Straus
New York Times (21 April 1912) Memorial Notice For Isidor And Ida Straus
The New York Times (21 April 1912) Most Of The Crew Sail
New York Times (21 April 1912) Tribute To Straus Paid In Synagogues
New York Times (22 April 1912) Memorial Notice
New York Times (23 April 1912) Philadelphia Survivors Ill
New York Times (23 April 1912) Stead Prophesied A Violent Death
New York Times (4 May 1912) Straus Memorial Meeting
Simple Services Mark Funeral of Noted Merchant Who Died on Titanic
New York Times (8 May 1912) Memorial Notice (6)
New York Times (27 May 1912) Synagogue Unveils A Straus Window
New York Times (22 June 1912) Ida Straus Estate $260,000
New York Times (25 November 1912) Daughters Of Jacob Honor Ida Straus
New York Times (5 December 1912) Col. Gracie Dies, Haunted By Titanic
The Washington Times (7 December 1912) Col. Gracie Is Buried In Garb Worn On Titanic
New York Times (21 March 1913) Straus Fountain Award To Lukeman
New York Times (16 April 1913) Straus Memorials Held
New York Times (9 June 1913) Macy & Co. Employes Give Straus Tablet
New York Times (11 August 1913) $4,427,608 Estimate Of Straus Estate
New York Times (15 April 1914) Tribute To Titanic Dead
New York Times (29 April 1914) Mrs. Straus Left $319,940
New York Times (14 April 1915) To Unveil Straus Fountain


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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Mrs Rosalie Ida Straus (née Blun)
Age: 63 years 2 months and 9 days (Female)
Nationality: German
Marital Status: Married to Isidor Straus
Embarked: Southampton on Wednesday 10th April 1912
Ticket No. 17483, £221 15s 7d
Cabin No. C55
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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