Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic Passengers and Crew Living in New York City

Name Age Class/Dept Ticket Joined Job Boat [Body]
42 1st Class Passenger
£26 11s
Southampton Stockbroker 3* 
Photograph of Harry Anderson
53 1st Class Passenger
£51 9s 7d
Southampton 2 
Photograph of Charlotte Appleton
47 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 6d
Cherbourg Property Developer / Real Estate [124]
Photograph of John Jacob Astor
18 1st Class Passenger
£247 10s 6d
Cherbourg 4 
Photograph of Madeleine Talmage Astor
48 1st Class Passenger
£25 18s 6d
Cherbourg Businessman
Photograph of John David Baumann
32 2nd Class Passenger
Southampton 9* 
Photograph of Edward Beane
37 1st Class Passenger
£52 11s 1d
Southampton Realtor 5 
Photograph of Richard Leonard Beckwith
46 1st Class Passenger
£52 11s 1d
Southampton 5 
Photograph of Sarah Maybell Beckwith
26 1st Class Passenger
Cherbourg 5 
Photograph of Karl Howell Behr
39 2nd Class Passenger
Photograph of Karolina Byström
42 1st Class Passenger
£26 5s 9d
Southampton 5 
Photograph of Edward Pennington Calderhead
Photograph of Frans Olof Carlsson
Photograph of Eleanor Genevieve Cassebeer
Photograph of Norman Campbell Chambers
Photograph of Bertha Chambers
Photograph of Malvina Helen Cornell
Photograph of John Bradley Cumings
Photograph of Florence Briggs Cumings
Photograph of Virginia Ethel Emanuel
Photograph of Edith Corse Evans
Photograph of Antoinette Flegenheim
Photograph of Benjamin Laventall Foreman
Photograph of Isaac Gerry Frauenthal
Photograph of Henry William Frauenthal
Photograph of Clara Frauenthal
Photograph of Pauline Caroline Gibson
Photograph of Dorothy Winifred Gibson
Photograph of Samuel Levi Goldenberg
Photograph of Nella Carlynne Goldenberg
Photograph of Blanche Greenfield
Photograph of William Bertram Greenfield
Photograph of George Achilles Harder
Photograph of Dorothy Harder
Photograph of Henry Burkhardt Harris
Photograph of Irene Harris
Photograph of Margaret Bechstein Hays
Photograph of Alexander Oskar Holverson
Photograph of Mary Alice Holverson
Photograph of Frederick Maxfield Hoyt
Photograph of Jane Anne Hoyt
Photograph of William Fisher Hoyt
Photograph of Marie Marthe Jerwan
Photograph of Alice May Leader
Photograph of Joseph Holland Loring
Photograph of Daniel Warner Marvin
Photograph of Mary Graham Carmichael Marvin
Photograph of Edgar Joseph Meyer
Photograph of Leila Meyer
Photograph of Philipp Edmund Mock
Photograph of Helen Monypeny Newsom
Photograph of Charles Hallace Romaine
Photograph of Elizabeth Jane Anne Rothschild
Photograph of Abraham Lincoln Salomon
Photograph of Frederic Kimber Seward
Photograph of Elizabeth Weed Shutes
Photograph of Samuel Ward Stanton
Photograph of Martha Evelyn Stone
Photograph of Isidor Straus
Photograph of Rosalie Ida Straus
Photograph of Margaret Welles Swift
Photograph of Emil Taussig
Photograph of Tillie Taussig
Photograph of Gertrude Mabelle Thorne
Photograph of John Weir