Encyclopedia Titanica


Miss Sheridan Searches Hospitals in Vain for Niece Who Was on Titanic.

Brooklyn Daily Eagle

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Miss Sheridan Searches Hospitals in Vain for Niece Who Was on Titanic.

Thoroughly resigned, Mrs Peter Sheridan of 942 Kent avenue has given up hope that her niece, Mary Burns, was lost on the Titanic, and not saved as the first published list indicated. In her home yesterday she weighed all the facts carefully and, while she refused to entirely despair last night, she, nevertheless, admitted that the outlook for finding her niece was anything but bright. The story of the queer disappearance of Mary Burns was related In yesterday's Eagle. The girl's name, except for a mistaken Initial, appeared among the first list of survivors’ names and remained there until the Carpathia arrived. Quite confident that the girl had been saved, Mrs Sheridan made a fruitless visit to the dock when the Carpathia arrived with her load of survivors. Mrs Sheridan fanled to get near the dock as the boat landed, because the police would not believe her story, and thought she was bent on curiosity only.

Inquiry was made for her yesterday afternoon at St. Vincent's Hospital and the woman herself went to one Institution last night but her search practically convinced her that her niece was drowned and later she explained what she believed to be the reason for her being misled into the belief that the girl had been rescued.

Mrs Sheridan had been reading the list of survivors of the first and second class passengers, whereas Mary travelled third class, although she had money enough to come in the second class. The fact that her friends were in the third class persuaded her at the last minute to travel that way and the name that appeared in the list of survivors was probably that of a maid of some woman travelling first class. The fact that no other Burns was on the ship, according to the passenger list, is what made Mrs Sheridan sure it must have been her niece, although the wireless gave Mary G. Burns instead of Mary D. Burns.

At the White Star line Mrs Sheridan was yesterday told that they had no Burns expect one, a maid who travelled first class and that this could not have been the 18-year-old niece sought, because she travelled third class and no one of that name was rescued among those passengers. They intimated that they would make a search for the young girl.

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Encyclopedia Titanica (2020) NO TRACE OF MARY BURNS (Brooklyn Daily Eagle, Sunday 21st April 1912, ref: #125, published 17 April 2020, generated 31st January 2025 04:02:13 PM); URL : https://www.encyclopedia-titanica.org/no-trace-of-mary-burns.html