Encyclopedia Titanica

Mary Delia Burns

3rd Class Passenger from County Slogo

Miss Mary Bedelia Burns  

Mary Bedelia Burns was born in Kilmacowen, Co Sligo, Ireland on 15 September 1896.1

Mary Burns birth record
Mary’s birth registration

Hailing from a Roman Catholic family, she was the eldest child of Thomas Burns (b. 8 October 1868), a farmer, and Annie Kemmit (b. circa 1870) who had married on 20 February 1895.

She had seven siblings by 1912: Michael Joseph (b. 19 March 1900), Annie Mary (b. 30 October 1901), Margaret Ellen (b. 19 June 1903), Elizabeth "Lizzie" Josephine (b. 14 March 1905), Catherine (b. 26 November 1906), Gertrude Patricia (b. 1 March 1909) and Thomas (b. 24 January 1911).

The family appears on the 1901 census living at house 20, Kilmacowen; by the time of the latter record the family were living at house 15, Kilmacowen and Mary, the eldest child, was still a schoolgirl.

Although supposedly financially comfortable enough to have travelled second class, Mary boarded the Titanic at Queenstown as a third-class passenger (ticket number 330963 which cost £7, 17s, 7d) with two acquaintances from her locality, Margaret Devaney and Kate Hargadon, apparently choosing to travel in steerage to be with her friends. 

Mary was emigrating to the USA where she hoped to get employment as a housemaid for a well-to-do family. She was travelling to the home of her paternal aunt Mary, Mrs Peter Sheridan, who had migrated as a young woman and married to a Scottish-born typewriter ribbon finisher in 1899. The Sheridan family made their home at 942 Kent Avenue in Brooklyn, New York.

Whilst aboard the Titanic Mary and her friends became acquainted with another Sligo-born man, Henry Hart.

Margaret Devaney, the only survivor among the three girls, gives two different versions as to what became of her friends. In one, printed in the Irish World on 4 May 1912, Miss Devaney related:

We were all on deck, not thinking it was serious, when the boy comes along and said " You girls had better get into a boat." Then he held out his hand, saying " I hope we'll meet again."... I got into the boat, but Mary Burns and Kitty Hargadon held back, thinking it was safer to remain on the ship, I never saw them again...

In another version of events Margaret related that Kate Hargadon was afflicted with seasickness and fear and could not face climbing a ladder to the higher decks; she remained in communal third-class areas, perhaps the aft well deck, and was tended to by Mary Burns who chose to remain with her. Whatever happened will forever remain a mystery. 

Mary Burns died in the sinking and her body, if recovered, was never identified. 

Confusion arose as to her fate as the name Burns appeared on the lists of survivors, it later becoming clear that the surviving Burns was first-class passenger Elizabeth Margaret Burns. Nevertheless, Mary’s aunt Mary Sheridan hastened to Manhattan in the hope that she was safe and well, searching hospitals in vain for her young niece.

Following the disaster Mary’s parents received £25 from the Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund.

Her father and mother later welcomed another two daughters; the first arrived on 13 June 1913 and was named in honour of Mary, Mary Delia Veronica. Another daughter arrived two years later on 24 February 1915, Norah Teresa. 

Mary’s mother Annie died from heart failure and senility in a Sligo hospital on 31 March 1949; her father died of similar ailments on 2 March 1952 in Aughamore, Co Sligo. 

Mary was remembered on a memorial plaque in Sligo Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Co Sligo and on a plaque by a family grave at Kilmacowen graveyard in Ballisodare, Co Sligo.  The plaque at Sligo Cemetery has since disappeared.

Mary Burns Memorial
Memorial at Sligo Cemetery
(Courtesy of Trevor Baxter)


  1. The identity of Miss Burns has been a subject of confusion; there were two Burns families in Kilmacowen, both headed by a farmer named Thomas Burns. One of those Thomas Burns married a Mary Monaghan (b. 1871) in 1892 and raised a family, one of their daughters being named Mary who had arrived on 15 November 1894; that family appears on the 1911 census living at house 17 in Kilmacowen, indicating the two families were close neighbours. Only through the identification of the Titanic Mary's sister Elizabeth (who married Michael Keaveny on 11 June 1932) by a modern-day relative has her true identity been established. Elizabeth's current-day family are still living in Ireland, albeit now mainly residents of Dublin.

Newspaper Articles

Brooklyn Daily Eagle (21 April 1912) No Trace Of Mary Burns
Miss Sheridan Searches Hospitals in Vain for Niece Who Was on Titanic.

Documents and Certificates

Contract Ticket List, White Star Line 1912, National Archives, New York; NRAN-21-SDNYCIVCAS-55[279]).
(1912) Register of Births, Marriages and Deaths of Passengers and Seamen at Sea, National Archives, London; BT334/52 & 334/53


Noel Ray (1999) List of Passengers who Boarded RMS Titanic at Queenstown, April 11, 1912, The Irish Titanic Historical Society
Robert L. Bracken (2000) Irish Titanic Passengers
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  1. Richard Coplen

    Richard Coplen

    Hey all, I've been interested in the Titanic disaster for nearly 13 years now. I've heard plenty of strange stories in connection with the sinking, but none more stranger than that which I heard the other day. While having lunch with some friends from university we started talking about dreams and nightmares which we've experienced. Before I go on I must tell you that none of those present knew of my interest in Titanic. Anyway, when it came to her turn, one of the girls - Sarah Burns from County Sligo told us about a dream she had a few years back..... In the dream she and this other girl of about the same age were standing on this long corridor with rows of doors on both side. She described both the walls and doors as being white and the floor being brownish - though not wooden. She could even recall the long row of light-bulbs overhead. She remembered feeling unbelievably frightened and that the other girl was also. The other girl was described as wearing a night-dress under a... Read full post
  2. Michael Findlay

    Richard, Margaret Devaney O'Neill claimed that she left her friends, Kate Hargadon and Delia Burns, on either B or C-deck as the latter was too ill to follow her up to the boat deck. Kate stayed with her while Margaret went on to find the lifeboats. The plan was for Margaret to return once she determined the escape route. Margaret claimed that she never knew what happened to the girls after she left them. After she reached the boat deck, she was quickly ushered into a lifeboat and claimed that she was prevented from returning to them. Margaret Devaney O'Neill, who died in 1974, was always saddened throughout her life that she wasn't able to get back to her friends. She found some comfort in the belief that if she hadn't been forced into the lifeboat (one of the last to leave), she would have also lost her life since there would have been no time for find them and return. I personally do not believe that Delia and Kate attempted to return below decks given that Delia could... Read full post
  3. Gerard Louis Monaghan

    Gerard Louis Monaghan

    Hello Does anyone have family information on Delia Burns, a third class passenger on the Titanic. It maybe that her mother was a sister of my grandfather, Philip Monaghan of Carrickhenry, Ballysadare, County Sligo, Ireland.
  4. Phillip Gowan

    Hi Gerard, Miss Burns' mothers' maiden name was Mary Monaghan so you may be on to something. She was born in 1894 in County Sligo. Phil Gowan
  5. Gerard L Monaghan

    Gerard L Monaghan

    Thanks Phil Any other information on her family ie brothers and sisters if any, would be much appreciated. Gerry Monaghan
  6. ian Hough

    Gerry Delia was on the Titanic travelling to the home of her aunt, Mary Sheridan, her fathers sister 'Her death was never spoken about in the house afterwards because it was so sad' said a younger sister, still alive in Ireland, who asked not to be identified. Source Senan Molony The Irish aboard Titanic All the best Houghie
  7. Eddie Ainsworth

    Is there any way to contact two contributors to the reports on Mary Delia Burns, i think we may be related, there names are Joe McDonagh, nephew of Mary and Roberta McGowan, Mary was my mother's aunt.
  8. Neil Scanlon

    Hi, I am 23 years old from Sligo, Ireland. I recently found out that Mary (Margaret) Burns was related to my father Eamonn Scanlon.I would like to know more about Mary and maybe find new relatives, I have been fascinated with the story since I was told it, and hope to one day travel and meet all long lost relations.
  9. Joe McDonagh

    In the 1911 Census Delia Burns was listed as age 14. From Joe McDonagh
  10. Pixiegirl12887

    Mary Delia Burns is my Great Great Aunt, it's amazing what I learn and she's exactly hundred years older then me.
  11. Pixiegirl12887

    Mary Delia Burns as I said before is my Great Great Aunt. My Great Grandmother Elizabeth Deery was adopted by Marys sister Nelie Burns who lived in America. They waited for her but soon found out that she died, my Grandmother told me this story of when her mother waited for her. I am part of her family by adoption but she is still family in my eyes. I hope to learn more about her and her family.
  12. Chilidog19

    I hope nobody minds me using her name in a story for my history class. I chose it at random and I don't mean to be disrespectful to anyone.
  13. N Scanlon

    My father was related to Mary Delia Burns, he was Scanlon and we are from Co Sligo also. I am 25 years old and currently doing a family tree when I stumbled across this information.
  14. Pixiegirl12887 (1020)

    Hi I'm Krista and I would also love to learn more about Mary. I am related to her as her Great Great Great Niece.  Her sister Nellie adopted my Great Grandmother and I want to learn more about her and her family.

Showing 15 posts of 23 total. View all.

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Titanic Passenger Summary

Name: Miss Mary Delia Burns
Age: 15 years 7 months (Female)
Nationality: Irish
Religion: Roman Catholic
Marital Status: Single
Embarked: Queenstown on Thursday 11th April 1912
Ticket No. 330963, £7 17s 7d
Died in the Titanic disaster (15th April 1912)
Body Not Identified

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