Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic : On this Day... 28 December

Titanic events from today in history

The following 4 people were born

PAINTIN, Mr James Arthur — 28th December 1882
WRIGHT, Mr William — 28th December 1864
BECKER, Miss Marion Louise — 28th December 1907
BUSS, Miss Kate — 28th December 1875

The following 8 people died

TAYLOR, Mr George — 28th December 1931
GLIDDEN, Miss Minnie Maud — 28th December 1938
RYERSON, Mrs Emily Maria — 28th December 1939
HÄMÄLÄINEN, Mrs Anna Lydia Amanda — 28th December 1945
CASSIDY, Mr William John — 28th December 1953
MCCOY, Miss Alice — 28th December 1959
KELLY, Miss Anna Katherine — 28th December 1969
DRISCOLL, Miss Bridget — 28th December 1976

The following 6 items were published

East Kent Gazette (1912) AN ECHO OF THE TITANIC DISASTER. — 28th December 1912
Sphere (1912) LUCIEN P. SMITH'S DECEMBER BABY — 28th December 1912
New York Times (1937) WILLS FOR PROBATE — 28th December 1937
(2006) CAPTAIN LUDWIG STULPING OF THE S.S. BIRMA — 28th December 2006
Titanica! (2006) BIRMA'S WIRELESS BEARS WITNESS! — 28th December 2006
Vincennes Sun-Commercial (2019) WATT IS FOOTNOTE IN LOCAL HISTORY — 28th December 2019