Encyclopedia Titanica

Titanic : On this Day... 1878

Titanic events from today in history

The following 71 people were born

BLASCOVIC, Mr Giovanni — 0th 1878
CURRIE, Mr Henry — 0th 1878
FERRIS, Mr George — 0th 1878
FERRON, Mr Nicholas — 0th 1878
GOVERN, Mr A. M. — 0th 1878
LUBICIC, Mr Matteo — 0th 1878
QUAYLE, Mrs Amy — 1st January 1878
SMITH, Miss Hettie — 0th 1878
STEWART, Mr George F. — 0th 1878
ABRAMS, Mr William Thomas — 0th April 1878
ANDERSEN, Mr Albert Kaurin — 25th April 1878
BARRINGER, Mr Arthur William — 0th 1878
BAZZI, Mr Narciso — 22nd July 1878
BISHOP, Mr Walter Alexander — 0th 1878
BUCKLEY, Mr H. E. — 0th 1878
CARLSSON, Mr Frans Olof — 29th September 1878
CHRISTMAS, Mr Herbert Harry — 0th 1878
CRISPIN, Mr William — 28th November 1878
ENNIS, Mr Walter — 3rd April 1878
EVANS, Mr William Thomas — 17th June 1878
GALE, Mr Shadrach — 17th July 1878
GODWIN, Mr Frederick Charles — 16th June 1878
HARTLEY, Mr Wallace Henry — 2nd June 1878
HARVEY, Mr Herbert Gifford — 4th February 1878
HUGHES, Mr William Thomas — 0th 1878
HUNT, Mr George Henry — 21st January 1878
KANTOR, Mr Sinai — 0th 1878
KARLSSON, Mr Julius Konrad Eugen — 29th September 1878
KEEPING, Mr Edwin Herbert — 5th July 1878
KIERAN, Mr Edgar Michael — 28th January 1878
KLEIN, Mr Herbert — 0th 1878
LAHTINEN, Mrs Anna Amelia — 17th February 1878
LOBB, Mrs Cordelia — 0th 1878
MATHIESON, Mr David John — 3rd July 1878
MCGARVEY, Mr Edward Joseph — 20th January 1878
MEISNERE, Mr Simon — 0th 1878
MELLOR, Mr Arthur — 0th 1878
MORLEY, Mr William — 8th January 1878
PENNAL, Mr Thomas Frederick Cohen — 24th January 1878
PORTEUS, Mr Thomas Henry — 21st May 1878
REEVES, Mr Frederick Simms — 0th 1878
RENOUF, Mr Peter Henry — 27th April 1878
SLIGHT, Mr Harry John — 30th June 1878
STRUGNELL, Mr John Herbert — 0th 1878
THEOBALD, Mr Thomas Leonard — 0th 1878
VEAR, Mr William — 0th 1878
WILLSHER, Mr William Aubrey — 0th 1878
THOMPSON, Mr Joseph — 18th January 1878
MCCARRON, Mr David John — 12th September 1878
BROWN, Mr Edward — 20th March 1878
CLENCH, Mr Frederick Charles — 29th September 1878
PEARCE, Mr John — 20th November 1878
SCARROTT, Mr Joseph George — 25th April 1878
DAVISON, Mrs Mary Elizabeth — 19th February 1878
DALY, Miss Margaret — 1st July 1878
PICARD, Mr Benoît — 27th November 1878
CROSSLEY, Mr John — 12th June 1878
SEWARD, Mr Frederic Kimber — 23rd March 1878
BACKSTRÖM, Mrs Maria Mathilda — 28th July 1878
PRICHARD, Mrs Alice — 0th 1878
RYERSON, Mr William Edwy — 7th December 1878
HYMAN, Mr Joseph Abraham — 15th February 1878
LENOX-CONYNGHAM, Miss Harriet Alice Katherine — 0th 1878
ROTHES, Lucy Noël Martha, Countess of — 25th December 1878
JOUGHIN, Mr Charles John — 3rd August 1878
ANDERSON, Fr Roger Brooke Taney — 4th January 1878
KAPPEL, Mr Louis — 23rd July 1878
QUICK, Mrs Jane — 31st August 1878
PERREAULT, Miss Mary Anne — 29th July 1878
DREW, Mrs Maria Louisa Thorne — 19th March 1878
BENNETT, Mrs Mabel Kate — 22nd September 1878

The following item was published

(1878) JOHN BOURKE - SCHOOL REGISTER ENTRY — 24th September 1878